Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Steamed Tofu with Minced Meat

My initial plan was to bake some meat balls. Then, I saw a blog post at Babe in the City on this steamed tofu and thought why not since I had some soft tofu. I marinated my minced pork with ShaoHsing rice wine, sesame oil, salt, white pepper, garlic powder, chopped carrots, ginger and scallions and some cornstarch water. Then, I cut out the soft tofu, lay it on a steaming tray and used a melon scoop to scoop a hole in the middle of each tofu. The scooped out tofu I added them into the minced meat mixture (don't want to waste you see) and mixed it well.

After that, I used the melon scoop and a spoon to make meat ball shape balls and placed it on top of each tofu. Lastly I drizzled some soy sauce, ShaoHsing rice wine and sesame oil before putting it to steam at high heat for 15-20 minutes, or until the meat balls are cooked. Serve warm!

This steamed dish was very fragrant with the Shao Hsing rice wine and sesame oil. What best was it was well received by my two girls. Got to make them loved tofu at young age. ;-)


  1. I did that too, recently. :) My girl thankfully loves tofu, unlike her dad. ;)

  2. what a healthy tofu dish not to said it's must delicious with minced pork! love it!

  3. This dish look familiar to me, yaya, I cook this before, I even top up fresh prawn on the meat as well, this is simple and yummy dish.

  4. pork with tofu is such a nice combo ... very comfort food!

  5. Haha SIG. Her dad would be hard to persuade huh?

    Yes BKitchen!

    Mmmm Sonia, top it with prawn is such a great idea too. Good presentation as well.

    Yes noobcook, we loved it.

  6. I love the combination of tofu and minced pork! I've always loved tofu as a kid since I grew up in a Chinese family. My mom used to make this stir-fried tofu dish with pork and shrimp in a thick sauce. It was SO good but definitely not as pretty as your dish!

  7. Lady, you're a gem! Lucky hubby, lucky children having a gourmet cook named 'mummy'.
    Thats a fantastic looking dish too.
    Have a nice day and keep a song in your heart, Lee.

  8. Yum. I love making this dish. I have been meaning to make it for a while..but keep not having time.

  9. Delicious recipe and really healthy in my books. I can just eat this alone with a bowl of rice .. yum!

  10. my mom made this style before too. hmm there's another style which my aunt taught. will try to make that one day

  11. Nice looking tofu! Definitely taste good as well. ;)

  12. Soo original!! I never tried making steamed tofu yet,t hanks for sharing this recipe!!

  13. love this! and they look so beautifullllll

  14. A healthy recipe for the family with all the rich proteins.

  15. I cook a similar dish as well, except I just use a large block of tofu (sliced thin and arranged in one overlapping layer) and have the minced pork and prawns arranged in another layer on top, and then steamed. Your presentation is much prettier ;) Glad the kids like it!


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