Monday, July 27, 2009

Pork Balls Soba Noodle

When my husband was away for a business trip, I cooked something easy for lunch. I had minced some pork and decided to make pork balls with it. Then, I just boiled the soba noodle until cooked and set aside. Boiled another pot of water to make the soup for this noodle. When the water was boiling, added the marinated pork balls, boiled until the pork balls were cooked. Added in the bok choy and seasonings for the soup such as soy sauce, sesame oil, chicken stock granules, salt and a little dark soy sauce. I added some cripy fried shallots too.

Served the noodle in a bowl, added in the soup with pork balls and bok choy. Later cut some Japanese seaweed (for sushi roll) and place it on top of the soup. It was special with the added seaweed as it brought another flavor into the noodle. Easy to prepare and nutritious too! I ate mine with spicy chili in oil with soy sauce as a dipping sauce, shiok lah!

Now, I would love to share this dish with Presto Pasta Night, an event created by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast. This week host is Amy of Very Culinary , do go and check out her round up on Friday!

And I am also submitting my recipe to the Original Recipe event hosted by Lore at Culinarty. Check out others' recipes around the week of 15th.


  1. kinda dinner i would make when my husband is way too. all in one bowl are the best ;)

  2. Wonderful looking bowl! Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights. I always love it when you do.

  3. This is the kind of noodle soup I like. Simple, healthy yet delicious!

  4. me too, when my husband away for business trip, I will cook something simple for my kids, i cooked this soba soup before, but I fried some Tempura prawn instead, next time I will follow your way, thanks for sharing.

  5. i love noodle soups for lunch too...but i hardly cook some, apart from instant noodles hhehehe (super lazy)

  6. nice and healthy soba noodle soup not to said delicious pork ball!! Just bought few pound of pork in vaccum,,going to make some pork ball,love it!!

  7. I like!!! Might actually give this a go.. love a WARM soup during our super cold weather these days.. Havent had soba for some time so this is perfect. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Hmmm....Your pork balls look so yummy...!

  9. Thanks all. Rita, I like the instant noodle for lunch too. :) I am super lazy these days.

  10. Now I know what you mean by cooking almost the same dish! Hahhaha!

  11. really shiok leh. Nothing beats home made pork balls. yummy!

  12. wow...i found your site and truly enjoy it.

    I have two girls myself. One is 19 months and the other is a 4 yr. old...


  13. Hi, I would like to tell you that you have got "Award".
    Come and claim it !

  14. Haha Tigerfish, similar right? ;)

    Agreed noobcook. :P

    Welcome to my blog Miranda! Keep coming back for more ya! Both our daughters just a year apart. :)

    Thanks Bits of Taste! :)

  15. Sometimes you just want something simple and delicious, like this meatball soup. Great dish.

  16. Hi,

    Just chicken stock granules acting like MSG? Some recipes call for this ingredient and I don't know if it's like MSG. I am afraid to serve it to my kids but I was told that most foods in chinese restaurant require chicken stock granules. Is that true?

  17. Hi Anon,
    Actually all food in Chinese restaurants use MSG (CSG is more expensive), unless stated otherwise. Chicken stock granules contains some MSG unless it's said MSG free. You can look for chicken stock granules that do not have MSG added or ikan bilis granules that is MSG free for household use.

  18. This must be the bowl of yumminess! Thank you for sharing it with the Original Recipes Round-Up :)

  19. This looks great and easy to prepare. Just found your site today and it is lovely. Will look around it for some more recipes


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