Friday, July 24, 2009

Banana Cake

The only time I would make a banana cake is when I have some banana freeze up in the freezer. Sometimes we would have one banana left that was too ripe and nobody wanted to consume it. So, I put it in the freezer bag and left it in the freezer. When I have two in the freezer, that's the time I would make this cake for breakfast. This banana cake is made with butter and thus it's not that oily. Don't get me wrong, I like banana cake made with oil too as it's very moist but sometimes it can be quite oily.


  • 1 stick + 6 Tbsp. butter, soften
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 cups cake flour or all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 1 tsp. baking soda
  • 2 big banana, mashed
  • 1/4 cup whole milk
  • 1/2 tsp. banana essence


1. Cream butter and sugar until light and creamy with an electric mixer.

2. Pour in eggs, one at a time and beat until creamy.

3. Add in milk, mashed banana and banana essence and mix well.

4. Add in cake flour, baking powder and baking soda and beat until combined.

5. Pour into a greased and floured bundt pan and bake in preheated 350'F oven for 35 minutes. Cool in pan for 10 minutes before inverting it to cool completely on a wire rack. Store in air-tight container.


  1. that banana cake of yours look so moist and fresh too! :)

  2. look just simple and nice, but I seldom bake banana cake, my kids doesn't like banana cake much..

  3. a bit hungry after saw ur post

  4. During summer bananas get over ripe very fast. Just like you I will freeze them up for smoothies or banana bread. By the way, I love your banana cake especially the color. Mine usually turn out really dark especially using the bundt pan.

  5. Thanks BBOven. :P

    Sonia, I think my family prefer the Banana Pineapple Cake more. Edda and I ate most of the cake. :P

    Hehe SP.

    Thanks Gert. Not sure why yours will turned out really dark though.

  6. I just made some banana cake too! My hubs loves it. Yours look so moist!

  7. I don't like it too oily taste..
    but yea is it ok not to use banana essence in this recipe?

  8. Wow.. u freeze your bananas.., I just try to eat them up quickly! LOL

    but your cake looks delicious and moist! Would love a slice for afternoon tea!

  9. i tried making banana cake but fail miserably as it was to dense and moist. i'm gonna try your version and see whether it would turn out right. may i know how big is you cup?? and when u mean by 1 stick of butter, do you mean one block of butter? or...?

  10. Me like banana cake. I think I should really buy chiffon tin soon so that I can try to make some cake :P

  11. Thanks pigpigs. I heart banana cake. :)

    Yes SKY, you can omit it and use vanilla extract.

    Haha Daphne, yes, I like to save those for banana cake. :P

    Cindy, 1 stick of butter = 113g. In US, our butter comes in pre-measured stick, 1 stick=113g=8Tbsp=1/2 cup. My cup is the US standard measuring cup. Can you buy it at your place?

    Haha noobcook, this is a bundt pan though, chiffon pan only for chiffon cake I think.

  12. i love this with some hot tea :-) can i have a slice please lol

  13. hehe.. I like "oily" banana cake too ;-)) Anyway, your cake looks great and moist enough

  14. Just wondering how long can you keep the frozen banana? How do you handle those frozen banana? Let it de-freeze and use it immediately? Once I froze 2 bananas for a few days, it became hard and the color not so appetising (turned black).

    I love banana cake and would like to learn this method so that I can bake the cake when I have the time. Thanks!

  15. Charmine, I think it can froze up to 4-6 months, not sure. The frozen banana will turn black. I always take it out to defrost in the refrigerator a night before I want to use it. The defrosted banana will be very slimy, just cut it open and slide it out and then smash it with a fork, very easy to smash.

  16. Banana cake is so delicious. This is one cake I make regularly it is so delicious.

  17. Hi!
    Thanks for the tip on how to handle the frozen banana :-)

    By the way, I just baked one banana cake...yes, finally I baked one. But, my banana cake does not look moist like yours and I cannot see the "fibres" (not too sure how to call them) in the banana cake that I baked. Wondering what went wrong?

  18. Charmine, for me the "fibres" is more visible when I used frozen banana, not sure why either. Frozen banana is also mushy and wetter perhaps the cake looks more moist? Banana cake tends to taste better the next day.

  19. Ching, your banana cake look very pretty. I love the evenly brown colour.

  20. Hi

    Just browsed thru your post of Banana Cake and u mentioned that u kept the Bananas in the freezer.
    It's a No, No, that Bananas can never be stored in the fridge/freezer, all their nutrients will be gone.

  21. Thanks HugBear.

    Yeah Charmaine, I just did a search, the frozen banana and last 2-3 months in the freezer.

    Hi Cheah, I did a search and all said we can freeze the banana for up to 2-3 months. My MIL always tell me the nutrients of the fruit will be gone whenever we cut the fruit and didn't eat it right away and leave it in the fridge. But how do you explain the cut out fruit selling in the supermarket for a heck lot of money? Or the cut out fruit selling on the street stall/ motorcycle with just ice at the bottom?

  22. Hi

    But u hardly see any Bananas cut up on sale, because they'll brown very quickly, at least in Malaysia. I do have an email re the many good things about Bananas, but don't have your email ad to fwd to u.

  23. Hi Cheah,
    I know Banana is good for us. But you said we can't freeze the banana but all the search I did say we can, banana even rated as one of the top 10 food to freeze in a food Website. Of course if we can eat it fresh, it's the best, but if we have surplus of banana that is going bad quickly, it's no harm to freeze some to make smoothies or cake.

  24. Your banana cake looks really nice!!!


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