Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Japanese Curry Rice

I don't know about you, but this looks absolutely delicious to me. We all loved Japanese curry, especially Vermont Curry Hot brand. When my hubby was on a 3 nights business trip away from home, I cooked a big pot of this Japanese curry with chicken breasts and mixed veggie with onion and red bell pepper. It was so easy and so yummy that we could have it for days. I also served easy noodle soup for lunch for variation. But seriously, this is so good and healthy. As you can see, I did not add potatoes in mine, not quite fancy with the starch and prefer mixed vegetable instead. This mixed vegetable has Lima beans too, extra bonus eh?

Look how good that is! Even though the packet said it's Hot, but it is not hot at all. My two girls can eat a bowl of rice with lots of gravy in it with no problem as Japanese curry is on the sweet side, very different from our Malaysian curry. What I love more is no coconut milk is used so I can eat with no guilt feeling. One packet came with two packs inside so you can actually cook two big pot of Japanese curry when you buy one. Very suitable for working people who cook big portion on weekend and pack it in individual serving size in containers for weekday meal.


  1. WOw! That does look good. I rarely eat curry because I'm Thai so we always use coconut and it always leaves me feeling guilty! I think I will try your vermont curry. Is is sold in asian stores?

  2. so coincidence huh, I also recently cooked Japanese curry, but I cook apple flavour, will show this post soon. Anyway, your curry rice look really delicious.

  3. yesss!!! we posted japanese curry rice together ^_^ yours look yummy yummy

  4. This looks yummy to me too! And I definitely have to buy one of the packs to try out at home.

  5. Yes Strawberry Sweets, you can find it in asian stores. Do you have H-mart there? I bought it cheaper at H-mart Korean store.

    Thanks Sonia, looking forward to your apple flavor (did you add apple in yours?). But this Vermont curry also flavored with apple and honey.

    SP, us too. Don't know how to explain but when I mixed the rice like that, it's just delicious!

    Thanks Rita. *high 5*

    I highly recommended it Jo! :)

  6. I was just about to say I came to your post after reading Mocha Rita's post and both on Jap curries. :p

  7. cool!!! this is a great meal!!! i used to make "liap liap th'ng" - everything cuts to cube like ur and cooked in chicken broth. didn't occur to me that curry make an awesome meal too. thanks :)

  8. We like Japanese curry too. Something the girls will eat because it is not too spicy. We buy another brand, which must be similar because there are two packs (blocks) in it. Will try the Vermont brand next time. Easy to cook, delicious and healthy (as you said).

  9. japanese curry with lots of veggies!! i love this! I think i'll try this recipe coz my japanese friend send me some of this curry packs :-)

  10. Jap curry is something I cook very often. Both my hubs and I love it! WIth rice or with udon - yummy!

  11. truly japanese curry is fruity and tasy a bit different! ;)

  12. Haha Tigerfish, Sonia cooked Jap. curry too. :)

    You're welcome WendTeoh, this sure is a nice meal.

    Agreed Charmaine. I'm afraid to try other brand for fear that it might not come out good. I saw other brand which sells for half the price, but "to risk or not to risk?" :P

    Cool Dhanggit. Try it, nothing wrong with chicken with lots of mixed veggies. ;)

    Pigpigs, we loved it too, easy and delicious. :)

    Yes BBOven, we like this fruity sweet Japanese curry. :)


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