Thursday, July 30, 2009

Three Cups Chicken

Three cups chicken literally means chicken cooked in 1 cup of soy sauce, 1 cup of cooking wine and 1 cup of sesame oil. The resulted dish is very fragrant and the sauce is delicious. The cup measurement here must means the traditional Chinese rice bowl and cooked in a big pot of chicken, for a large family back then where everyone live in the same house (grandparents, uncles, aunties, etc). So, for the small family size these days (a family of four), we cannot use the stated measurement as the name. We have to cut it way down as long as the measurement is still the same, for example 1/8 cup for all or 1/4 cup for all or 1/2 cup for all. How much you add will depend on how much chicken you wanted to cook. I added Chinese mushroom into mine to soak up the delicious gravy. I won't be sharing my recipe here as you can easily find the recipe on the web.


  1. It has been a long time I didn't put in a comment in your blog. Well, good idea on the portion for small family. :D Pei

  2. This is a very nice Chicken dish, very fragnant, I like to eat this.

  3. I've been seeing this dish so often. Now I am tempted to cook it too :) Did you put Thai Basil in it too?

  4. at first glance I thought it's a pork trotter in vinegar!! good idea add mushroom ito it!!

  5. wow! luckily i read further...i almost stopped at reading 1 cup of each ingredient, because too excited to go ahead and make this dish tonight for dinner ^_^

  6. Though heard about recipe and some even add basil to the chicken. But I personally have never try cooking it. Looks delicious.

  7. I thought this dish is popular in Taiwan? Just made it recently with the addition of Thai basil. What a great idea to use Chinese mushrooms! ;)

  8. Hi, Ching..How are u? I always love to cook something with soya sauce, I just think 1 cup sesame oil, is it not too much?

  9. This is classic! Love this dish sooo much.. and I think mushrooms are a great addition! My grandma also does this with some pork too.

  10. wow yummy!!
    why i stay so far

  11. Yup Pei, it has been a long time. :D

    Sonia, me too, love to eat this with rice.

    Gert, I didn't put Thai basil in mine. I added ginger and mushroom.

    Hahaha Les, I only eat pork trotter during my confinement lah! :P

    Rita, luckily you didn't use 1 cup each, if not too salty and oily!

    Ling, you should try it, it is delicious!

    F4T, so it's popular in Taiwan too huh? I only know it's popular in M'sia as we can order this dish in restaurants.

    Retno, 1 cup of sesame oil is too much for a small family. I used 1/8 cup of sesame oil, soy sauce & Chinese cooking wine for about 8 drumsticks (chop into half).

    Daphne, I bet it is delicious with pork too, perhaps pork + taukwa. Mmmm..mmm...

    Haha SP, yeah it's a pity we met too late in the Springs. Otherwise, you will get to sample my dishes.

  12. It looks great. This is one of my fave comfort foods too.

  13. wow! 3 cups chicken, very interesting! noted! :)


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