Thursday, December 25, 2008

Tropical Biscotti

My final cookie baked for this year. Next year I will be starting on Chinese New Year cookies, hard to believe it is just a month away. Hereby wishing all my readers a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to those who don't celebrate it. Oh, in case you are wondering, I cut my biscotti in half for easy storage.

I also had a minor accident two days ago. Believe it or not, I accidentally cut my left index finger (cut into half of my nail) and my left thumb while chopping a cooked chicken into smaller pieces. That was pretty scary especially I used my biggest and sharpest cleaver at home. Of course some screaming and blooding scenes followed and then rushed to an urgent care facility to see if any stitches needed. Luckily no stitches required because they could not possibly stitch through my nail, just some sterilized strips and bandages for now. But half of my nail will probably fall off in due time (that was too scary and painful to imagine and I am too afraid to take off my bandage!). Needless to say, with my left index finger and thumb bandage, working in the kitchen has been slow and quite inconvenient. I made those biscotti prior to the accident that morning.



1/2 cup canola oil

3 large eggs

1 cup granulated sugar

2 tsp. pure lemon extract

1 orange rind or 2 tangerine rinds


3 1/2 cup all purpose flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt

1/2 cup dried cranberries or raisins

1 cup sweeten coconut flakes


1. Preheat oven to 375'F. Line cookie sheet with parchment paper.

2. In a medium bowl, beat together (A) until well blended. Add in (B) and stir to form a dough. Divide dough in half and roll each roll into the length of the cookie sheet. Then move each roll to the cookie sheet and press down to 1/2 inch thickness.

3. Bake for 25 minutes or til golden brown. Remove to cool on wire rack. When it's cool enough to handle, slice each one crosswise into 1/2 inch slices with a serrated knife. Place the slices cut side up back to the cookie sheet and bake each side for a further 6 minutes. Remove to cool on wire rack. Store in an air-tight container.


  1. ching

    so sorry about the accident. i thought i was the accident prone one. anyway, please be careful. Too many ppl depend on all your fingers.

    merry christmas and a happy new year

  2. So sorry to hear about your mishap in the kitchen. Hope you will be well soon. Wishing you and your family Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.

  3. oh no!! what a bummer! I know when we work in the kitchen,sometimes we can't except the accident.but becareful!!Hope you're better and well..I keep saying I wanna to try biscotti but still ...*sigh*..maybe I will try b4 2008!! lol! Happy Holiday to you and your family!!

  4. Have a nice holiday for you and family. Hmmm... imagine eating biscotti with a cup of tea or coffee with you :))

  5. Hope you are going to feel better soon. Maybe it's time for your hubby to take action in the kitchen and you can have some rest? Anyway, Happy Holidays to you and your family.

  6. Thanks Lily, yeah very bad luck! :(

    Thanks Gert. It's a bit hard to function in my kitchen but I can manage.

    Thanks Beachlover. Bummer is so right! We all have to be careful in the kitchen.

    Thanks Retno. You too!

    Thanks Sock Peng.

    Thanks Anon. My man only knows how to go for takeout when I told him I couldn't cook in the kitchen. :P

  7. Hi!

    I'm so sorry to hear about your fingers. I hope they heal soon. Take care!

    Happy Holidays to you and your family.


  8. Oh dear! Hope you'll have a speedy recovery and back to your kitchen in no time!

    Merry Christmas!


  9. Oh gosh, Do take care. I had a pretty similar accident on my finger and now I get phobia with the big knives.

    Have a Blessed Christmas and a Healthy year ahead.

  10. How very creative! I like the idea of adding the coconut into biscotti!

    Hope your finger is better: sounds scary.

  11. sorry to hear about your little mishap, I hope your finger heals soon! happy holidays to you and your family! :D

  12. Yikes, sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you have a speedy recovery. Happy Holidays.

  13. Hope your lil finger gets well soon. Wishing you a blessed New Year and yeah .. looking forward to all your CNY cookies!

  14. Hope you're healing well and had a nice holiday.

  15. Ching,
    Do take care and be extra careful when using sharp cleaver or chopper.
    Nice biscotti, would definitely love the aroma from the peels.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  16. Ching

    Hope your finger is healing well. Take care and a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Properous 2009!

  17. oh no! hope you're better now. just reading yr post sent shivers down my spine!

    lovely biscotti. :)

  18. Hi,

    Oh no, then what happen to the chicken? hehe.. just kidding.

    So sorry to hear about the accident, I hope your fingers heals speedily.

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  19. oh girl....i am sooo sorry to hear about this...

    please take extra care and get well soon...hugs!

  20. Thanks all. Have to get use to work with two fingers bandaged for now as it's still painful when I accidentally touch those areas.

  21. sorry to hear of the mishap! Hope you have got over the shock (and pain)!



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