Saturday, December 27, 2008

Lunch Box Save Money

With the bad economy today, we have to think of more way to save money. I have been preparing lunch box for my husband years ago. It started when we were trying to save money for our first house down payment. We were pretty poor at that time and those days were pretty trying as we couldn't go out and eat. I had to cook everyday and the most that we could do for eating out was to order from the fast food chains “A Dollar" menu special. We couldn't go shopping or spend unnecessarily and it was pretty tough. But we went through it and now my husband actually prefer to bring lunch box to his office. These days I figure most of the offices have a microwave for the employees. Thus, bringing a lunch box for lunch can really save you a lot of money. In addition to that, you know what you put in your lunch box and thus it is healthier compared to eating out. Furthermore, my husband dislike the food in the cafeteria and he actually like the lunch box I prepare for him.

As for the math, let's say if you go out for lunch, it will cost you at least $8 per lunch (drink, tax and tips included), but if you bring a lunch box to work, it will save you $40 for that week. And $160 per month, that's $1,920 per year. Not a bad idea huh?

Oh forgot to add, the above is my nasi lemak lunch box, yummy right? Share with you a tips of mine, normally I cook more for dinner and pack some for his lunch box the next day before we started eating. The next day, he just take it out from the refrigerator and put it in his lunch bag and off he goes. Easy, healthy, delicious and cost saving, you should try it!


  1. I love nasi lemak :) Yeah I do lunch boxes back then when I got tired of coffee shop food or when I need to save some money. :)

  2. Just like your husband, mine too take lunch to work everyday. It will normally something simple like sandwich, salad,leftover dinner or something TV dinner and an apple. Like you said is cheaper and much healthier than the cafeteria food.

  3. Looks extremely yummy!Well done! The only lunch I pack to work is sandwiches and I get bored of those after a while.

  4. yupe! i fully agree with u on this lunch box idea! Most of his Malaysia Colleague in US do bring along lunch box to office! But my hubby used to bck for lunch everyday as the office just opporsite our apartment.
    How did u celebrate your white christmas??

  5. yup, i also prepared more dinner , thus KH come back to take lunch alone !!sometime, i also prepare lunch box for him
    save time n money :P

  6. Very yummy looking Nasi Lemak , your hubby is a very happy man :)

  7. Wow your nasi lemak looks yummy.
    Did you make the chilli yourself?

  8. i've having packed lunch from home too! leftover turkey turned into a salad. ;) definately can save money this way.

  9. Wow! I love this dish evergreen, since I was a kid!

  10. i need to be more hardworking...this holiday season i kept eating out T_T

    let me get back to the kitchen hehehe

  11. not just save $ but more delicious and healthy as well. Your nasi lemak looks very good =D

  12. You are reminding me of my university era in Indonesia. Bought food from small warungs, with the menu kinda like on your picture right now.

    As of August 2008, Im back to university, I bring lunch box with me to save money and adjust my Indonesian tastebud.

  13. I love nasi lemak. My husband and myself take lunch to work.
    I can't take nasi lemak with sambal. Co-workers will complain when I microwave it. Any tips?
    May be not heating up sambal? Just the rice need warming up?

  14. Gigi, we don't celebrate Christmas.

    teatea, no I didn't make that chili, it's from a bottle.

    sandrine, no heating up the sambal is a great idea since the sambal can be eaten at room temperature. Just pack it in another small container.

  15. im drooling over ur lunch box, looks yum!!!

    After so long we never been intouch, thanks for ur visiting, iam too lazy updating my blog :(

    Happy New Year for u and family

  16. I also want to save money to buy a place of our own if we ever return to the States! But my husband bring peanut butter sandwich to office, still cannot save enough money leh :(

  17. yaw I don't mind having nasi lemak lunch box from you:)
    they look so delish though.

  18. Good for you that your hubby likes your lunch box. Mine prefers outside food :-( Maybe it had to do with my cooking... =p



  19. What a coincidence.. I do that quite often too. With the increase of prices for everything, even in Malaysia, I rather eat in. What other alternative than to cook more to last for a few days. :)

  20. I started to bring my own lunch box 2 years ago for the purpose of dieting to lose weight. From time to time, my colleagues start to bring theirs too and we shared so it's like s small lunch buffet LOL.

  21. I totally agree lunchboxes are great on the pocket as well as your health. You're a great wife. :)


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