Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I want to wish my readers a Happy and Full Thanksgiving! Also presenting you my Sweet Potatoes Pie. Hmmm....I think this year I bought a really orange color sweet potatoes as my pie looks really orange in color.

You can get my pie crust recipe here. And the sweet potatoes pie recipe here. My girls and I really love this pie and hope you will like it too.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I did a pumpkin pie this year :)

  2. happy thanksgiving

  3. Happy thanksgiving to you and family too:)
    I just done baking apple pie and pumpkin cheese cake.
    And now I am ready to see the rest of the family to EAT! lol.

  4. beautiful pie! i spotted it on foodgawker :)

  5. Wish you a good Happy Thanksgiving too. :D

    Lovely pie.

  6. That pie is so pretty! Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.

  7. wowww a really lovely pie! I am soo looking forward to bake my first pie this weekend (there's a plan, but the result might be blegh hehehe wish me luck)

    Happy thanksgiving!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving! what a pretty pie...

  9. The pie looks good & I love the leaf cutout! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to you & family too.

  11. Happy Thanksgiving! I am presenting you with a 'Kreativ Blogger Award'. Please visit my blog to claim it.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you had a great feast today! omg the pie looks so beautiful ... I want to eat! :D

  13. Thank you all. Hope you all had a fun and fulled Thanksgiving as well. :)

    Charming, will come over!

  14. Happy Thanksgiving to you! What a pretty pie! I havent actually tasted pumpkin pie before.. darn! How I wish they are available in Perth!

  15. Hi... I tried the pie recipe and it tastes great. One thing though is that the middle fell too much and not level like yours. Do you have any advice for keeping it level?

  16. I'm a dessert lover and pie is a 'must' during the buffet regardless apple pie, pumpkin pie, chicken pie and so.

    The pie looks beautiful, can't help to take a big bite of it, LOL !


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