Friday, February 08, 2008

Kuih Bangkit II, 2008

I baked my 2nd batch of kuih bangkit this morning. Ahhhh, practice makes perfect (I also didn't use frozen coconut cream). I achieved the light, crispy and melt in the mouth texture that I like. I'm going to make my 3rd batch next week using the Pandan extract like I did earlier and let my brother brings it back to M'sia for my mom.

Playing with the different cookie cutters.

Are those pineapple and pine tree designs? What do you think?

For my kuih bangkit recipe, click here.
For my step-by-step-pictures guide, click here.


  1. Little C,

    Them KB looks perfect. I was thinking those were pineapple design and the other looks like corn on the cob design..
    I made some KB, too a couple days ago, but I think they were a little too dry, lots of cracks after they cooled. The dough shouldn't be too crumbly, right? I'll keep you said 'practice makes perfect'.

  2. They look really good but why is the cookie look so pale while?

    It's so nice that you can bake nice cookie and send home to your mom for judgment haa..

  3. Love the bangkit. Still baking huh? Haha. I daren't attempt making them though.

  4. Hi Ching,

    Happy Chinese New Year!:)I love ur kuih bangkit cookies ie their wavy sides makes the cookies even more pretty. Is ur cutters plastic or metal type? Comes in a set? U mentions u bought urs in malaysia but i think should also have the same in bakeware shops in sg.


  5. Send me too! Ur cookies look georgeous.

  6. walio! your cookies look so nice, sfter seeing yours, now I want to have someat my mum's place!

  7. this is one of my favourite treats of chinese new year. :D gong xi fa cai

  8. Gong xi gong xi...where is the traditional moulds for these??? ;)

  9. Hi Louisa,
    Oh yeah, it does looks like a corn when you mentioned it. Some of my KB also got cracks on top. Perhaps have to roll it nicely before we cut?

    Thanks Cocoa. It's supposed to be this white color right? Perhaps I didn't burn mine?

    D, stop baking liao. But I still got two bakes coming up which I baked few days ago. :P This cookies dough a bit tricky, really needs some skill.

    Hi Susanna,
    Happy CNY to you too! Yes, it's a plastic cookie cutters that came in a set of 8 or 10. You should be able to get it in S'pore. :)

    Hi Retno,
    You want to be my first customer is it? LOL! ;P

    Thanks BBOven,
    Go eat, go eat! :D

    Thanks rokh. Gong Xi Fa Cai to you too!

    Gong Xi Fa Cai Rasa M'sia. I do have the traditional mold but too time consuming to make it this way. I'm all for quick and easy method and recipe. :)

    Thanks Andaliman!

  10. Your KB look soooooo pretty and delicate. Is my fav but I am scare to make this. The last time I made this it turn out as hard as a rock :(

  11. Gert, I got to say this cookie really need some skill. Hard to control the consistency. But practise makes perfect. Don't give up, you can do it! :)

  12. hi

    able to email recepit to me kuih bang 2008


  13. I tried to do but failed..Haha..I think you really great in doing this Kuih Bangkit.

  14. Sorry to read that Amber. But a lot of people failed in making KB. Keep "fighting ya"!

  15. hi. ur KB looks lovely!! would like to try it for this coming hari raya. can u please send me the 2008 recipe to my email? would appreciate it very much!! thanks..

  16. Hi Anon, the 2008 recipe is the same original KB recipe I posted. Throughout this blog, I used the same KB recipes for all my KB. The link is shown at the bottom of this post.


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