Saturday, February 09, 2008

Baked Pork Floss Mini Puffs

I saw the mini peanut puffs at Lily's blog and it gave me an inspiration to make mini pork floss puffs. Reason being I have a bottle sitting in my pantry ready to be used. Since I have no plan on making any deep-fried CNY cookies this year, I decided to experiment with the basic pie crust recipe for my baked puffs. The resulted pastry is buttery, crispy and flaky!

The crust/pastry recipe adapted from


Pork floss
1 beaten egg, for glaze

1 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup or 1 stick of cold butter, cut
3 Tbsp. ice cold water


1. To make the pastry: In a food processor, add in flour, salt and cut butter. Pulse until it resemble crumbs. Then, add in the cold water and pulse until a dough is formed and pull away from the food processor. Wrap the dough with plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

2. Roll the dough thinly, cut it out with a round cookie cutter and place the round dough in a mini puff maker, place the pork floss filling inside, close it and take out the mini puff. Place on parchment paper and brush the top with egg glaze.

3. Bake in preheated 350'F oven for 20 minutes. Let cool completely on wire rack before storing.

~Yield about 40 mini puffs.

I used the mini puff maker above. It came in three sizes, the ones I have are medium and small sizes.

If you have the time, it's better to pleat the puffs by hands as half of my puffs split open when baking in the oven. But for own eating it's fine I guess. This mini puffs is so good it won't last long at all.


  1. we call this mini pastel... love this snack, but we usually fill in with beef floss

  2. waaaa...your 'kok chai' look so good.Maybe I try to make for my aunty your receipe,she said her attempt fail bcoz the side won't close together.I try to use the cookies mold but can't hold it too,so I just fold wt my hand.Thanks for sharing:)

  3. Those look gorgeous. Really flaky and yummy, not like the crispy fried ones. Sometimes when not fried right will be hard.

  4. ching

    good job.

    you know what, i forgot to give me my return of 'lei see' to you and also i forgot to take the fishes agar agar from the fridge. must be getting old, forgot so many things. i hope i will get to see you before chop goh mei

  5. I really like this kind of 'kok chai' especially the one with ground peanuts inside. Your mini puffs look so good and so much healthier than the fried ones.

  6. ooo.. those morsels look like a great snack. yummy yummy!!

  7. Yumm! So this is what I'll be missing at your party eh? ;)

  8. Andaliman,
    I have not seen beef floss here, mostly pork floss. Is the beef floss homemade?

    You're welcome beachlover. Yes, it's better to fold it by hands. And easy way is to fold it together and press it with a fork to create pattern. Instead of doing it the Chinese way.

    Thanks singarishgirl. And it stays that way for days. My last piece was eaten a week later.

    Thanks Lily. Really ah? If yes, we might go to your house on Sunday oh. Will see whether hubby wants to play ping-pong or not.

    Thanks Gert. I like both and this is definitely healtier without the oil.

    Thanks daphne, it is! My hubby just poped them into his mouth.

    Thanks V! lah, this one didn't make it to my party. LOL! I took pictures of my party, will share later, too lazy to resize now.

  9. oh i love this!! thanks for sharing the recipe for making the pastry.;i've tasted something like that before but never had the chance to know the recipe :-) thanks yummy

  10. these r take up a lot of time making mum bought some from the market stall here..


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