Monday, February 11, 2008

My Golden Rats

Since I am making another batch of pineapple tarts. I decided to play with the dough and made these six little rats to welcome the Rat Year. I got this inspiration from aunty Yochana's blog. Let me tell you, these are not easy to shape at all and really have to kudo to those that have the patience to shape so many rats, or the rose shape pineapple tarts. This was not my best job as I had to do it fast as little one was crying (wanna sleep), thus some turned out looking more like pigs. LOL!


  1. ching

    they are so cute.

    i will be making some of tien hsi rats as soon as i get some cherries with stems

  2. very cute, I like! You got talented fingers. So, your rats got names? :-)


  3. Happy NY LCOM,
    Your rats are just perfect. They look like real. You should brush them with egg wash to give them a golden color. For someone busy with kids, like you, and be able to achieve this kind of baking, it is just amazing!


  4. Very cute!
    Oh by the way, I try your green bean cookie.. there are really food. mine come out green color.. do you know is mung bean powder same as the one you used?

  5. Little C,
    You mean, pigs as in guinea pigs? hee
    Seriously tho', you did a great job shaping them. They're too cute to eat!

  6. Oh my! They are so lifelike. I wouldn't want to put a rat in my mouth. Scary. Haha!

  7. I had thought about making something to relate to the rat year. You did it! I love those mouse.

  8. Your rats are so cute.... Don't think anyone will have the heart to eat them.

  9. so cute!!!!! how to eat? hahaha.

  10. Your little mouse is soooooooooooo cute!!! They are just perfect. I am sure it taste really good.

  11. It's ok. It's bye bye to the Pig anyway! Hhahaahah!
    Very cute leh!

    Happy Rat Year!

  12. Wow! What great looking mousy you have there! I really have to give it to you for doing such a great job!

  13. Hi little corner of mine
    Wow ...I take my hat off to you for making these adorable rats LOL
    I won't even attempt it LOL

  14. Thanks Lily. Tien Hsi one is very cute too!

    Thanks Tatiana. No names lah! LOL!

    Happy CNY, Stephie. I did brush them with egg wash. :)

    Thanks cocoa. I already replied at your blog.

    LOL! Louisa. That's a good one! Thanks. :)

    Haha D. :)

    Thanks Anon. You can make this too!

    Thanks Ling. I think my girls would love to eat them. :)

    Thanks daphne, hoon, gert, tigerfish, tricia & chawanmushi.

  15. kudus to me!*clap clap clap*..and very cute too:)

  16. OMG...too cute leh! :) He!He! Sounds like mom often nagged at me and kept complaining that I will never find a hubby. I love pork floss too...just a must have! :)

  17. Thanks beachlover and JP!

    JP...hahaha...some men do like women without/with minimal makeup. I think if we always see someone with heavy makeup on, on that day if we see her without it, we will probably get a shock! LOL!

  18. they are sooooooooooooooooo adorable!!! brilliant idea!!

  19. Hello! I think you did a great job in shaping them:) so cute! much better than mine haha!

  20. awwwwwwwww............ so cute!!!!

  21. They look so adorable! Hey even little pigs are nice too ;)

  22. those are absolutely adorable!

  23. Wow, such detail...very cute.

  24. Those are brilliant. . . And somewhat terrifying, in your mastery of likeness.

  25. I love them! They are the cutest rats I have ever seen!

  26. These are SO CUTE! I love that one is showing us its butt haha :))

  27. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that everyone who sees these pictures goes, "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!"

    and like lore, i also love the picture of the rat putting its butt in our faces. if i were that cute, i would wave my butt at everyone.

  28. is there any way that you can possibly write the recipe?? I want to try making these! they are so cute!
    I went to "aunty Yochana's blog" but the recipe is not written there either.. >..<
    Thank You!! :D

  29. Hi Angelic Arena,

    I used my pineapple tart recipe located in my blog. Inside I have the pineapple filling. As to how to shape it, I just shape it my eyes.

    Good Luck!

  30. Hi Stephanie,
    Here is it:

    Recipe is the same, just the shaping is different.


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