Friday, February 08, 2008

Tagged: 5 Facts About Myself & Award

I got tagged by Ling's Passion to do this 5 facts about myself. You are supposed to list 5 facts about yourself, link back to me and tag 5 more blogs.

Fact 1:
I got married at age 24.

Fact 2:
I am soooo not a vain person. My mom even told me to at least wear a lipstick when I go out! :P

Fact 3:
I have two degrees.

Fact 4:
I don't own a lot of shoes, just the essential. Unlike most women, right? :P

Fact 5:
I am practical and sometimes emotional.

Now, I would like to tag:

Baking Fiends Unite!
V's East Meets West Kitchen
The Art and Science of Food
Edith's Precious Moments
Retno's Kedai Hamburg, Germany


I received another award from Retno's Kedai Hamburg, Germany. Thanks Retno! Now, I would like to pass this on to the above blogs and the following:

My Kitchen Snippets
Beachlover's Kitchen
Daily Affairs
Daphne- More than Words
Big Boys Oven
Ling's Passion
Cocoa-Masakan Istimewa
Jadepearl's Play-Play in The Kitchen
Tigerfish - Teczcape
Big Fish


  1. Oh thank you very much and congrats to you.

  2. Thank you, thank you! and congrats to you!

  3. You're welcome D and BBOven. :)

    Retno, this is an easy one. I have two more, you want? Or maybe I will spread it out to let others do it. Hehe...

  4. Thank you very much to you.I really appreciated it:))."gong xi fat chai"

  5. thanks for sharing this info about you.. i have been tagged to on this one but i havent posted it yet..:-)

  6. Thank you so much for the award. I really appreciate it.

  7. thank you very much for this lovely award...too busy to blog hop til now to notice it...


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