Monday, January 14, 2008

Thai Pineapple Rice

I received a packet of Asian Home Gourmet's Thai Pineapple Rice ready made paste from a friend who returned from Singapore. She gave me a few other ready-made pastes too. Last week the pineapple was on-sales for $1 each, down from the usual $5 and thus I bought three of them. Thinking of just eating it fresh but then I remember I have a packet of pineapple rice paste that I needed to use, and therefore this dish was created.

This pineapple rice is selling for $9.99 at the M'sian restaurant here. Now I can just buy the paste and make it myself for less, the paste is selling for $1.69 in Denver and actually tasted very good. Furthermore, I can serve a family of four.

I wanted to present my pineapple rice in the pineapple shell because it is how it was presented in the restaurant. Little did I know, cutting out the pineapple fresh was not an easy task at all. Now I am wondering whether the restaurant charges more because of this extra work of preparing the pineapple shell for presentation?


  1. Hi, came through Had to come after seeing your kids cute pics.. :)

  2. hmmmm!! i love your recipe!! i always see this in thai restaurants but i never tried making..for im not very good at peeling pineapples more so emptying them like you did!!despite my mom already learned me when i was a kid..hehehehe..i think restaurants do charge more for the preparation thing with the pineapple :-) more than for the recipe :-)

  3. This looks yummy! I think we can get the Asian Home Gourmet's Thai Pineapple Rice ready made paste here in Sydney too. Thanks for sharing. Pineapple is my hubby's favourite fruit :)

  4. Your pineapple fried rice looks yummy. Wonder can this same paste be found in KL.

  5. Yum yum, such hard work to empty the flesh of the pineapple fruit to get a lovely shell.

  6. I was just thinking the other day if I had cooked this dish with my rice in the pineapple shelf, how wld I remove the pineapple flesh in my tiny small kitchen?

  7. Hi Ching,
    Long time no 'see'. How have you been?

    Jeriel likes the Thai Pineapple Fried Rice very much but unfortunately this lazy mommy is too busy to make a good one for him. Too much work for me, haha...

  8. wow!! look good..I can eat the whole plate by myself!!.In NY Malaysia restaurant here sell pineapple FR with the same presentation like your..You said you have Biglots at your place,go to Big Lots to look for Maggie fried rice seasoning,just %0.99 a pack.It's quite good.

  9. salute you for taking the time to cut out the pineapple! I just dump them on a serving plate!

  10. Wow!!! I love pineapple rice. Thanx for the visual treat, Ching.

  11. I love Thai Pineapple rice! I have the spice packs that I brought from Singapore but the husband doesn't eat pineapple... *facepalm* I still want to make it for a dinner party though, because it looks so good. Maybe take out his portion of rice first before additing the pineapple chunks at the end :p Oh, and I love it with a sprinkle of pork floss on top!

  12. Thanks Syari, come back more often ya! ;)

    Hi Dhanggit, not so much a recipe lah, just add the paste, onion, mixed veggies, pineapple and golden raisins. The easy version!

    You're welcome My Little Corner Store! Get the paste and the rest is so easy. :)

    Thanks Ling. I think you can get this paste in KL since this is manufactured for and distributed in S'pore. Heard that it's only $0.80 in S'pore.

    Hi D, yeah for the sack of blogging lor...hahaha...

    Thanks Andaliman.

    Hi Tigerfish,
    You can remove the flesh in your tiny kitchen with no problem. Just scoop it out with the fruit scooper, I think this way is easier and less messy. ;)

    Hi Jo,
    Yeah long time, you must be real busy at work. I'm doing good, same old. Jo, now you can just buy this paste and make it for Jeriel, use cut out canned pineapple for ease.

    Beachlover, I ate the whole plate by myself too. LOL! It's not much actually. I still have 2/3 in the wok for my hubby and kids. Whereas in the restaurant, that's exactly how much you get and can only serve one person only. Thanks for the tip, will check out Maggie seasoning. :)

    I did this for the sack of blogging only and this will be the one and only time. Before that I didn't realize it was not easy until I was face with the task itself, now I know. Hahaha...

    You're welcome Puspha!

    Hahaha...Nilmandra. Yes just add th pineapple in the end for yourself since the pineapple is supposed to add in the end anyway, just scoop out his portion first. I have never seen it with pork floss on top, if I have I would have done just that since I have a big bottle of pork floss at home.

  13. I agreed with you. Thai food is really expensive here. So is better to cook it ourselves :) :) Your fried rice really look like those from the restaurant.

  14. That look so tasty!! I might be too lazy to cut the pineapple properly for presentation. lol. Still, that is making me really hungry and it's only 11am in Perth.

    u made an excellent pt though.. or maybe the chefs r so skilled that it's super easy for them?

  15. Wow! Geng! ~ U Scoop the hole or cut by knife ah?!
    *I used to see an Uncle at Bkt Mertajam, Penang selling Rojak one cut a pineapple, completed below 45sec leh!
    Pineapple Rice there sell so Expensive ah! Can open a restaurant there, make money leh!

  16. Thanks Gert. Funny though I have not seen a Thai restaurant served pineapple fried rice here, but it's served in a M'sian restaurant here. But the only M'sian restaurant here is getting way too expensive so we hardly go there anymore.

    Thanks Daphne. Yes, I bet they would have to be skilled, if not how to offer this dish....hahaha...

    Hi Bigfish,
    I cut it with knife, the first piece is the harder to cut out. I think should use the small knife to cut it. Cut the whole pineapple is easy, I can do it quick too. Hahaha...yeah my Chinese restaurant owner friends also tell me I can open a restaurant, but I work very slow and now all customers want fast service, how? Also hor, I want to be the boss, I don't want to be the cook leh. :P

  17. hahaha... be the cook and boss together! If u find that u want another cook, may be i can help... :)


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