Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Wontan Rolls with Nori Sheets

I got this inspiration from Tigerfish. She used nori sheet in this recipe and at that time I thought what a great idea. Never realized I can wrap a sheet of nori seaweed in the usual spring roll wrapper, wontan wrapper, egg roll wrapper or like her, beancurd sheet before deep-frying before, what an excellent idea don't you agree? I promised Evy to make her some egg rolls because her daddy was quite reluctant to order it from outside because of the unknown oil used in deep-frying the egg rolls. He is scared of trans fat.

Cut the nori sheet into the appropriate size for the wontan wrapper. Place filling like above and roll it. Seal with water.

How the rolls look like when done. Remember to pinch and seal the edges with water too.

Deep-fry in low-medium heat canola oil until golden brown.

Ready to serve with Thai sweet chili sauce!

Verdict: Absolutely delicious! Love the extra bite the nori sheet provided.


Ground pork
Ground shrimps
Chopped carrot
Chopped cilantro
Chopped ginger
Chopped garlic
White pepper
Chinese cooking wine
Sesame oil


  1. What a great idea. I really like the look after its cut. Beautiful!! I am so making this one :) Thanks for sharing.

  2. Little C,

    You've inspired me yet again. This is why I love visiting your blog! Adding seaweed sheets really is a great idea. Better add the nori to my shopping list this weekend.

  3. How pretty! That's an excellent idea! I want one too! hehe

  4. what a brilliant idea and sounds delicious too.

  5. wow!! your fried Maki/roll look good!! hahaha!!..youknow right now nori is damn popular in fusion dish as well as western dish...This is must taste good..At first glance I thought it's YTF b4 cut and aftre cut it's look like sushi!!

  6. WOW... looks really really delish! good idea as a finger food... hm... cny coming, will give this a try! :)

  7. That's a perfect fry leh! Look at the golden crisp. You know what - I have been looking for wonton wrappers/spring roll wrappers in the nearby supermarket but could not find it leh! And to know that I'm in Taiwan. :O I think these wrappers are more common in HK/Malaysia/S'pore. Or maybe I have not looked hard enough.

    Nori adds a different taste to the spring roll right? The taste of the usual spring roll but up a bit by the nori. Glad you like it! :D

  8. Wow! Looks Yummy! It's a great way to keep the Nori from getting soagy. Will keep this in mind.

  9. Wow, I love that. What a wonderful idea. I would never have thought of that. But seems lately the dishes in the blogs I see are all fried haha. I'm not great fan of deep frying but it sure looks tempting. Will have to wait till we're all better from battling coughs and sore throats.

  10. You're welcome Gert, go have fun in your kitchen. ;)

    Thanks ilovepearly.

    Yay Louisa! Thanks and remember to get your nori! :)

    Thanks Daphne. Only one meh? :P

    Thanks E, it is delicious! Do try it!

    Thanks beachlover. Almost similar to your batter fried sushi roll huh? ;)

    Hi Tigerfish,
    Thanks for the inspiration. We sure love it! Strange that you couldn't find it at the supermarket, do Taiwan people eat Dim Sum?

    Thanks Tricia! Another appertizer to make for you party right? :)

    Thanks lilythelily!

    Hi D,
    Yes, right now deep-fry food is not suitable for you & family, wait til you all are cured first. I'm lazy to deep-fry too, because I have to fry in batches, thus have to stand there frying for awhile, so not too often I will deep-fry food.

  11. This looks really good. I still hv a couple of nori left to be used. Tks for the idea ;-)


  12. That looks lovely! I have made similar rolls before but it's with beancurd skin and the nori was wrapped outside. I will definitely try it with wonton skins. It looks so pretty when sliced.

  13. Thanks Christy. :)

    You're welcome Zu. :)

    Thanks Nilmandra. Yes, do try it with wanton skin, a nice appertizer/snack.

  14. sinfully delicious! I must make these when I am back to M'sia. Can't deep fry in my tiny apartment here. LOL~

  15. These certainly are delicious.
    You deep-fried them so nicely brown.
    Gonna try them soon!

  16. Thanks Mandy & Florence. I'm sure you two will like it too. :)

  17. The little rolls look like a work of art!! And I'm sure they taste terrific too!!

  18. this is so creative,.... defintely a winner!

  19. Wow! they look delicious. I'm definitely going to try it out :)

  20. I have to say, seen a recipe of yours on Pinterest and ended up here. I didnt know anyone else did this too!!! I always put nori in my rolls. I love sushi, but don't like the chewy texture of the nori, so I figure lets try putting it in egg rolls. Ill never make them any other way. I'm soooo glad to know I'm not alone!!! Love your recipes too!


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