Friday, June 08, 2007

Yong Tau Foo Soup

Yong Tau Foo in Ikan Bilis Soup. For the filling, it's the frozen tub fish meat emulsion, thaw it overnight in the refrigerator and marinate it with chopped scallion, carrot and sesame oil. Mix well and stuff your veggie and taufu pok.

My short-cut ikan bilis broth recipe:

1/4 cup of ikan bilis (dried anchovies)

4 cups of water

1 or 2 tsp. of chicken stock granules

Dash of fish sauce, to taste

Crispy fried shallots


1. Add a little oil in a saucepan. Pan-fry the ikan bilis until brown and crispy. Add in water. Let it boil.

2. When boiled, add in the yong tau foo, seasonings and crispy shallots. Turn the heat to low and let it simmer until the yong tau foo are cooked.

3. Serve in a bowl and sprinkle more fried shallots on top. Serve warm.

Also the repeat, Yong Tau Foo with Sweet Bean Paste Sauce. The bean paste sauce recipe is courtesy of Rasa Malaysia. I simply love it!


  1. I love Yong Tau Foo. So, the delicious stock is from ikan bilis and chicken granules with a dash of fish sauce.

    p/s Not sure if you posted the actual stuffing before. It will be nice if you can link to that from this article.

  2. Lee Ping,
    That's my version and it turned out delicious. Not forgetting the fried shallots into the soup while cooking too, without it, the flavor will be different.

    Not sure about the real way since I whipped this out last minute without doing any research.

    I also posted how I did my filling for this.

    Thanks V! :)

  3. Dear Little Corner of mine,

    I will check out your filling post.

    p/s Thank you very much for letting me know about the link mistake. I have fixed it already.

  4. mm...yong tau foo. me drooling after your food.

  5. I am happy that you love my YTF recipe so much that you keep making them...I just had some yesterday too. :)

  6. According to the original recipe (, fermented yellow bean sauce was used. What is fermented yellow bean sauce? Can you name some brands or perhaps show a photo of the jar or bottle of it?

    Thanks much!!!

  7. Hi Speedoflight,
    This is what I used,
    Scroll down for the Yeo's salted soy bean. It has a photo on it.

    If there is another kind of fermented yellow bean sauce, I have no idea, perhaps you should go ask her yourself.

  8. Tried this recipe last night. Very simple and easy, yet very delicious.

  9. Thanks for the feedback Suriya and glad you liked it. :)


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