Sunday, June 10, 2007

Almond Cream Scones

Cream scones has been a buzz in the forums and blogs for quite some time and today I finally did my own version of it. This version is without butter, all it needed is heavy cream. The result, it's pretty good if you asked me. Even Evy grabbed two pieces and said it's delicious. Edda enjoyed one piece without the raisins. It's so easy to make too, just dump everything together and bake and you get cream scones in 12 minutes.

Recipe adapted from Gourmet Magazine.
~Yield 16 small scones.


1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 Tbp. baking powder
1/8 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 cup raisins
1 tsp. almond essence
1/2 cup + 1/8 cup heavy whipping cream

Heavy whipping cream


1. Preheat oven to 425'F. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

2. Combine all in a bowl except heavy cream and mix well with a fork. Then, stir in the cream and mix with the fork until a rough dough shape is formed (can be quite sticky).

3. Lightly flour a board and knead your dough a few times. Pat down with your hands and form a circle. Use a cookie cutter and cut into desired shapes. Transfer to the cookie sheet and glaze the top with cream and sprinkle with sugar.

4. Bake for 11 minutes or until golden brown. Transfer to the wire rack and cool.


  1. V, got tempted leh..hahaha...

    Thanks baking fiend.

  2. Those scones looks delicious. My other half loves scones. I'm going to try it out.

  3. Hi cooking ninja,
    Hope your other half likes it! :)

  4. Hi Little corner of mine!

    I tried baking the cream scones just now, I couldn't find any heavy whipping cream in SG, therefore I mix the Bulla's pure cream and some milk till it resembles whipping cream consistency.

    My scones turn out perfectly well, crispy on the outside, soft and fluffy at the inside, however, I find that it is quite plain and has a "flour smell", how do I solve the prob? and can I sub the almond essence with vanilla essence?

    Oh btw, whr can I get heavy whipping cream?

    Sorry for asking so many qns.. hehe... TIA!


  5. Hi Carrie,
    Hmmm...I really have no idea where to get heavy cream in S'pore. But I thought heavy cream is the same as pure cream? Can this pure cream be whipped into whipped cream? If yes, then it's the same as heavy whipping cream. I think by adding milk into cream, you are diluting the cream.

    Yes, you can replace the almond essence with vanilla, but it might be even more plain (use both might be better instead of sub. it). Just make sure when you mixed in the flour and cream, you mix it well yet not over knead/mix it. Maybe try adding some lemon or orange zest to zest it up?

  6. Hi Little corner of mine!

    Thanks for the wonderful advice and tips! I'll definitely try it again soon!



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