Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Whole Wheat Hokkaido Milk Loaf

Just out from the Breadmaker. I set it to medium dark crust color. Should have set it to light.

Soft and fluffy!

Spread with my brown sugar kaya.


I wanted to try this Hokkaido milk loaf because everyone who tried it gave it a thumb up. Little did I know I didn't have bread flour in my pantry when I set everything out on the counter. Thus, the whole wheat flour was used and this whole wheat Hokkaido milk loaf was created.

I baked mine in a breadmaker using Sweet function just like Peony. I also brought it out during proving to punch it, knead a little and shape it before putting it back to the breadmaker and let it did the rest. I really satisfied with this whole wheat version and will definitely make it again. What's great about this recipe is it doesn't require bread improver and butter and can bake with a breadmaker.

My adapted version: Click here for the original recipe.

270g whole wheat flour
30g cake flour
1 tsp. dry active yeast
2 1/2 Tbp. milk powder
40g sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
1 large egg
125g fresh milk
75g heavy whipping cream


Put everything according to your breadmaker instruction. Set to Sweet mode and you are set. You can also take it out and give it a few punch and shape it during proofing.

Or use Dough function, when done, take it out, shape it and let it double proof and bake in a preheated 340'F oven for 40 mins. Use this method if you don't like crust on your bread or like to freeze half of the dough for later.


  1. Hahaha! I tried this recipe over the weekend and made it with wheat flour too! Now we are thinking alike. Scary uh?

  2. Dear Little Corner of Mine,

    My friend (and neighbor) bought a bread machine after she saw that I had one. She was asking me how to make fluffy bread. I need to direct her to your article. I am in the midst of home remodeling. When I am done, I will come back and study your recipe.

  3. wah,even with all whole wheat flour,your loaf rises so high.

    Nice loaf-shape too. Guess my breadmachine is too big for 300g of flour. I use a Breville that actually can make extra large loaf, like 1.5 kg.

    So not really gd for small size loaf. that's why I have to shape my dough manually or the loaf after baking becomes lopsided.

  4. V, great minds think alike mah!

    Lee Ping,
    Sure! The heavy cream makes the bread soft in this case.

    1.5kg is huge! The largest mine make is only 2lb, less than 1 kg.

    Next time I would try dough function and freeze half of the dough. This little one is still too much for me & Evy.

  5. Dear Little Corner of Mine,
    I tried this recipe. Guess what? Dinner was whole wheat bread tonight. I thank God that my husband is not picky about eating. Anyway the bread do taste good, especially when it is out of the oven. Thanks for sharing it.

    p/s I did take a few photos, if they are good, I may post it. I forgot to stage it because my husband was hungry. ;)

  6. Your bread looks fantastic. i have a breadmaker but the mixer thing in the middle leaves a big hole in the loaf!

  7. Dear Little Corner of Mine,

    Guess what we had for dinner last night? Wheat bread. I followed your recipe. It was a little damp so I added a tad more cake flour. Perhaps that was the reason it wasn't that fluffy. Regardless, this recipe is a keeper. We had a few more slices left over and I freezed them for later use.

    Thanks again for sharing this recipe.

  8. Hi Lee Ping,
    Yeah, this dough is supposed to be damp or wetter than the normal bread dough. Don't add anymore flour in it. I forgot I can freeze the bread for later use, thanks for reminding me. :)

    Hi wokandspoon,
    My mixer thing also leaves a hole in the middle of the loaf. I thought all breadmaker do that. If you don't want hole, you can use the Dough function and do the second proof yourself?

  9. Hiya. Nice work with ur blog. I tried baking this yesterday and it was awesome!! I was wondering, for this H.milk loaf, wld it be suitable to make it into little buns too? Thinking of making sum cheese buns and raisins buns. Wld appreciate sum advice. Thanks yah! Oh ya, keep up E good work! :)

  10. Hi Maya,
    I don't see why not. Just use the dough function and then you take out the dough, punch & knead and make whatever buns you desired and let it proof til double before baking. And thanks for your kind words too. :) Happy baking!

  11. hi!! i tried this recipe last night using my new Kenwood BM 256 breadmaker but i was sad that the bread didn't rise much and the texture of the bread is not fluffy at all.

    these were steps that i done:
    1. put all the ingredients in the bread pan according to the breadmaker order

    2. set to 500g loaf, light crust and Sweet mode

    3. the breadmaker started to mix the ingredients together and i realised certain corner of the bread pan wasn't mix properly. i wanted to stop the machine and mix them manually but i dare not stop the machine so i left it as it is.

    4. during the proofing process, the dough only rise a little and it then proceeded with the baking process

    5. after 3 hrs plus, the bread was ready but it wasn't fluffy at all even though it is still edible.

    Could you please advise me what has gone wrong?

    You mentioned that i could take out the dough during the proofing process and punch and shape it. How can i do so? do i have to stop the machine? or just lift the lid and take the dough out?

    Sorry if i sounded stupid, this is my 1st time using the breadmaker so pardon me.

    Hope to hear from you soon!

    Thank you.

  12. Hi Hazelnut,
    1) check to see whether your yeast is still active. On my side bar, I have a link on how to do that. Because the dough should rise very well in the breadmaker.

    2) When the ingredients start mixing and forming dough, I always open the lid and scrap the corners with a silicon spatula so that it will be even. You don't stop the machine to do that.

    I could only think that because your dough didn't rise well thus didn't produce a fluffy bread.

    If you want to shape the dough yourself, instead of Sweet mode, you use Dough mode. After it's done, you take it out, punch out the air and shape the dough and put in a loaf pan and let it proof until double in size before you put it in a preheated 340'F oven to bake for 40 mins.

    Good Luck!

  13. thank you so much for your advice.

    I tried another recipe of yours last night - the wholemeal cream cheese bun. it was a flop again!!

    sigh... i was so saddened by it and i cldn't sleep... haha... i thought there was something wrong with my machine and went to try another recipe from the user manual, this time, without any wholemeal flour and it works well.

    So, i wonder could it be the proportion of the ingredients that i used. Because I am so afraid that the yeast is not active, i use warm water instead. As for the butter and cream cheese, i microwaved them for ab 10sec to warm and softened them before i put into the bread pan.

    Then i started the machine, and it mixed very well and heed your advice to use a spatula to comb down the unmix portion. However, i realised the mixture doesn't really form a dough and was kinda runny. I dare not add more flour, thinking that sld be the way it is to get soft and fluffy bread.

    Also, to ensure that i get the yeast active, i set to dough mode for the 1st 20mins then sweet to basic mode for the next 3+ hrs. Could this be the main reason for the flop? Like i over-mix and the temperature got too high and i killed yeast instead?

    I am so sorry to bother you with all these. I am really at a lost and sad. everyone seems to be using the breadmachine to achieve desirable. I am very determined to get it right but i really don't know what went wrong.

    Please help me again.

    Thank you, little corner of mine! :)

  14. Hi Hazelnut,

    Water put in the breadmaker is supposed to be cold water. You don't have to heat up the butter and cream cheese too. If you used all whole wheat flour, the bread would be denser in texture. You have to mix bread flour and whole wheat flour to create a fluffier bread.

    When mixed in, the mixture is not runny at all, a dough should formed. So, something must be wrong some where. Also, you always put the yeast last. After you done putting everything according to your breadmaker and flour. You dig a hole in the flour before putting in the yeast and then turn on the cycle. The yeast is not supposed to touch any water.

    You don't set it to dough mode and then basic mode. NO NO! You would have overproofed the bread. Next time just set it to basic mode and leave it along, except to scrape the sides down. You only set it to dough mode if you want to do the other half of breadmaking yourself.

    Good Luck! :)

  15. Little corner of mine, I really appreciate your time and patience in helping me getting through this.

    I will try again as per your instructions. Hope it will be a success and I will update you again.

    thank you SOoooOOO much!

  16. You're most welcome HazelNut. I wish you the best of luck!

  17. little corner of mine! i am so excited and i need to share this with you: I MADE IT!!! i managed to bake a nice full of loaf of the Hokkaido Milk Loaf. the bread turned out to be big when it was fresh out of oven! the texture was indeed soft and fluffy!

    last night, i tried the whole wheat version and i used 200g wholemeal flour, 70g bread flour and 30 cake flour, worrying that the bread may not raise as much using 100% bread flour. The mixture did turn into a dough and during last stage of the proofing process, the bread rose to 3/4 of the bread pan. So, i was very confident of getting a nice full loaf like the previous one i did.

    However, during the baking process, the top of the bread caved it and shrank to just half the size of the white loaf that i did previously.

    The wholemeal version is till soft but not as fluffy.

    May i know why it this so? Too much liquid?

    because of this 'experiment', i dare not use 100% wholemeal flour for this receipe..

    i realised whenever i used wholemeal flour, the bread doesn't rise much and is not fluffy. this is very disappointing cuz i want to be able to bake some healthy bread for my dad.

  18. Hmmm...I encounted the same problem as you when I made whole wheat cream cheese bread. My bread also rise high and sank down when it was time to bake. Not sure why! But I did a successful whole wheat milk loaf though. I used 270g whole wheat flour + 30g cake flour and my bread turned out soft and fluffy. If I wanted to use the cream cheese bread recipe, I have to add more bread flour and less whole wheat flour to achieve the fluffy texture.

    Why don't you try the 270g whole wheat flour + 30g cake flour like I did and see what happen.

  19. Hi CHing
    I just wanna let you know I did this Hokkaido Wholemeal Loaf a few days ago and it was fantastic! Never tasted anything like this before, sure beats the wholemeal bread sold in bakeries! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! :)

    I have blogged about it here:

  20. You are so welcome Miss B. So glad that you loved this bread and thanks for sharing it in your blog. :)

  21. Hi Ching,
    Just to let you know, i did it the 3rd time. 2nd time I changed too many things, added kaya that made the bread become too sticky and bcos of the kaya, I reduced the sugar thats why the bread didn't rise high enough. But the 3rd time, I just swapped the 2.5 tbsp milk powder with Horlicks, in fact I added 1 more tbsp of Horlicks. The bread has a malty taste, quite nice, you may wanna give a try if you have Horlicks in US.


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