Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Fish Paste Roll

This is my version of fish paste roll in beancurd sheet. I marinated the fish paste (ready-made) with chopped scallion, carrot and sesame oil. Then, spread it on a square beancurd sheet, roll it up swiss roll style and deep-fry until golden brown and crispy.

Cut and serve with Thai sweet chilli sauce. Delicious!


  1. I have to stop looking at all those delicious chinese food. I'm drooling over my pc and can't do anything about it :( I have to go back to Singapore soon to satisfy my craving.

  2. Hello! That really looks like a great snack! I've never actually used beancurd sheet - I know you can get it dried. How long do you soak the dried sheets in water first?

  3. I like this fish paste roll too! Like fish cake, but wrapped with bean curd skin. Nice and yummy :)

  4. Your fish paste roll looks like Japanese fish cake, i've never made it but i will try! your's looks sooooo nice.

    millufe fron Japan

  5. Cooking ninja,
    Uh? Why can't you make it yourself here? But, can go home and satisfy your cravings also good. :)

    I got mine frozen. You don't really soak it, just dip it in water to soften it.

    Thanks V. :)

    Thanks Tigerfish, will try with nori sheet next. Hehe...

    Thanks millufe. Guess it's like a fish cake, sure tastes good though. ;)


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