Monday, March 26, 2007

Yam Rice

I have been wanting to make a good yam rice ever since I had it in Malaysia. Gina's Uncle Willie's Yam Rice recipe at KC looks so good that I just had to try it. Finally bought some yam the other day for this and viola! This recipe didn't disappoint me and the flavor was good. I had it with bak kut teh just like back home.


  1. Yours looks nice! I added oyster sauce and sesame oil to my version. :)

  2. Oh yum yum, yours would be more flavorful cause mine still lack of something. Will try your version next time and also add some chicken breasts fillet to make it a one meal dish! :)

  3. Ching
    Happy b'dae to Evy and WOW! What a spread for her party. Talk about a loving mummy :-) Hey btw, can you share your recipe for your veg mee (including the brand of noodles you used?) It looks really yummy and it's been a long long long time I had good veg mee. I am in Utah and it is really difficult to find good asian noodles here, or rather, I haven't found a good brand yet, sigh... Hope you can oblige and TIA :-)

  4. Hi Tatiana,
    I already posted my reply to your question at Evy's BD post. :)


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