Thursday, March 22, 2007

A1 Bak Kut Teh

I was so happy when I found the A1 Bak Kut Teh Spices in Denver. I quickly bought a packet to try it out. It is indeed good. I was surprised that it called for oyster sauce in the soup, but the flavor turned out great.

I added beancurd sheet in my bak kut teh. By the way, anyone knows what kind of beancurd the store owners use for their bak kut teh? I have discussed this with my mom before but she has no idea. I told her I think they used the fresh beancurd sheet and I'm going to try it next time I make bak kut teh. So, here it is! I used the fresh beancurd sheet, cut it into pieces and then deep-fried it til crispy before adding it into the soup before serving. Is this the right way to make it, I have no idea, would love to have some insight from readers who know. Taste wise, it's pretty darn good, but not sure it's the right one, even my hubby also couldn't recall anymore. But sure tastes good though!


  1. A1 bak kut teh is great for home cooking. I normally add some peppercorns to the soup. The type of beancurd used is the dried type, long in shape called fu chok. (You used the type called fu peh if I'm not mistaken) Deep-fry it in hot oil and rinse in water before adding to the soup. The soup will not be oily if u use this way of preparation. I also add a small piece of cane sugar together with the packet of herbs. I like some black mushrooms in my bak kut teh.
    Hope the suggestions is useful to u. Hav a nice weekend.

  2. Hi,

    My sis told me that she wash the beancurd sheet before she fried. Maybe you can try.

  3. Thanks pw and tzeng for your inputs. I will sure try it with fu chok the next time I make it. Just love it in bak kut teh! :)

  4. I hesitate to deep fry right after washing. It may cause little oil explosions in your kitchen.... My Mom (the daughter of the Klang BahKutTeh founder), said to use lots of garlic and fresh meat. You really can't go wrong with these two combinations.

  5. Thanks lee for the tips. So, does it means we just wash it and let it dry but not soften it in water first?

  6. hi :)

    is this bak ku teh the herby one like in malaysia? the ones in spore are peppery and i love the malaysian kind. hehe.

    i thought we can just wash the beancurd skin (fu zhou) and use. didn't realise they fry it! love love fu zhou soup, fu zhou anything, i even add it in porridge. do ask the sales lady which is the kind that will not melt cos one type melts and makes the soup base creamier and the other will remain in pieces.

    i tried both ur pineapple tart recipe and gan55 2005 recipe. Hehe, yours is soo much easier to handle! gan55 was a nightmare - so soft!!! i wonder if i messed up anywhere! thank you for sharing your lovely recipe - taste good and even a newbie can produce ok results!

  7. belachan, have you tried the bak ku teh package from Eu Yan Sang ?

  8. Hi Pink! :)

    I love the M'sian bak kut teh too and the brand I like best is actually Eu Yan Sang with real herbs. BUT, they don't sell it here leh, so got no choice just get whatever brand I can find here that's from M'sia.

    Glad you tried my pineapple tarts and like it. :)

  9. i wonder if Eu Yan Sang bak ku teh in Malaysia and in singapore is different :)

    if you don't mind, can email me your address and i send to you to test? *grin*

  10. Bak Kut Teh [Pork Bone Tea]

    Ingredients for Bak Kut Teh :
    * 1.5 lb country-style pork spareribs,cut into 2-inch pieces
    * TangJewLong use at home 1 tea bag full of bak kut teh spices in Chinese
    * 1 tbsp sugar
    * 6 dried shitake mushrooms
    * 5 cloves garlic,unpeeled,slightly crushed
    * 6 shallots, finely sliced and fried golden brown
    * salt and pepper

    To prepare Bak Kut Teh :
    * Soak dried shitake mushrooms in 1 cup of bolling water to reconstitute,
    and cut into slices; reserve liquid for cooking
    * In a stockpot, cover spareribs with cold water, parboil ribs until froth rises to
    the surface
    * Drain, briefly rinse spareribs in cold water
    * In a clay-pot* [no preheating] add parboiled spare ribs, garlic, shitake
    mushrooms, reserved[shitake mushroom] liquid and some water to cover the
    meat, and season with salt and pepper
    * Gradually bring to a boil, then cover and reduce heat to simmer untill pork is
    very tender, about 45 mins to 1 hr; occasionnally skim off as much fat as possible
    from the surface
    * When the meat is almost falling off the bones, discard spice bag, add sugar
    * Garnish with fried shallots and serve hot with steamed rice or Chinese fried bread
    [Yew char kway] and don't forget the chili dipping sauce

    To make chili dipping sauce
    * 1 kaffir or key lime, juiced
    * 2 tsp sugar
    * 1 tsp salt
    * 3-4 tbsp hot chili sauce
    * 3 cloves garlic
    * 1.5-inch ginger
    * Using a mortar & pestle or blender grind garlic and ginger to a fine paste
    * Add to hot chili sauce and mix well with limejuice, sugar and salt to taste
    * Serve chili sauce in individual condiment dishes

    [clay-pot dishes are the Oriental version of the
    American casserole.The main difference is that they are cooked on top of stove
    rather then in the oven.Food cooked in a clay pot has maximum flavor,
    enormous nutritional value and is visually appetizing-the dish can go straight
    from the oven to the dinner table.The design of the clay-pot assures good
    retention of heat and keeps food hot much longer.]

    For more

    Ready-made Bak Kut Teh sachet bags can be purchased at
    TangJewLong Herbal-shop email:


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