Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What is it going to be?

Huh.... you asked me?

Haha... you tell me!

Look at my funny expression!

See, I'm holding baby ultrasound picture!

Want to see clearer?

The baby is my little ... (stay tuned for result!) *mouth sealed for now*


  1. hehehe...I love all her expressions!!!! So funny!!!!! ok..my guess....it's a boy!!! ;) on the hand.....I know I know...it's a 50/50 chance!!! LOL...well...as long as she/he is healthy that's all it counts right..:)

  2. ching

    i think i can see an arrow pointing to a pee pee - congrats

  3. She is so cute ! I guess is a 'he' baby !!

  4. Your DD is so cute!!! Hmmm..is it a boy-boy this time? Pray do tell!!!

  5. hehehehe! it should be a boy...


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