Monday, May 22, 2006

Just Dinner

Stir-fried Brussel Sprouts in Garlic Sauce

Stir-fried Chicken with Fish Maw and Bamboo Fungus (hmm...can't really see the bamboo fungus in the picture)

I love brussel sprouts, but man this veggie can be so hard to clean. The inside always filled with little insects or it's eggs or soil. I always soak it with salt water first, to make sure all the insects are dead. Then I clean it one by one. Then I cut it into quarter and clean it piece by piece again. Lots of work just to eat this veggie huh?

This is how the bamboo fungus looks like. Please correct me if I have the name wrong. Also, is there any other way to cook this besides in soup and the one I did above?

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