Sunday, May 28, 2006

Evy is going to have a ...

Little Mei Mei!!! Guess all of you guessed it wrong. Hehehe...

The three lines signified a girl.

Her cute little face! Can see her eye, nose, mouth and her hand with a little thumb.

Her little feet!

I was hoping for a boy and thought I would be greatly disappointed when I found out it will be a girl. Strangely though I didn't, guess deep down I was thinking girl since I have a few girl names that I really like but none of the boy name that caught my eyes.

She was so cute during the ultrasound. When the tech. trying to measure her head, she did a complete 180' (from facing up to facing down) and the tech. had to look at her spine instead. Everything looks great and she sures is an active one. I could even feel a few punches from her during the ultrasound.

Can't wait to see her sweet face again. Guess we will pay for a 3D ultrasound in 10 weeks so I can see her in my womb again. I can't believe how fast I fell in love with this baby already. :o) It's like love at first sight with this 2nd ultrasound. I didn't with Evy until she was one month old. Strange huh?


  1. Ching, a mei-mei playmate for Evy :) Btw, when's your EDD?

  2. Congrats, Ching!
    Let us know what her name will be when she is born ok? Take good care of yourself and hugs to Big sister to be, Evy!

  3. Thanks Lin! :)

    Angie, my EDD is Oct 10. Still have some time to go. :P

    Cheena Bukit, thanks and will do. :)

  4. ching

    i have 2 girls and they are my best friends.

  5. Congrats again! Gals are cool, I've too many boys in the family, even the dog's male!!! ;) I guess she's gonna be a fiesty one huh!!! heehe..

  6. know what they said in MY nowadays....give birth to girls and you will eventually ended up with sons......chuckle ! SIL goes back to MIL place more then they go back to their own parent place ....lolz

  7. Lily,
    My girls will be my best friends too. ;)

    No worry, you can try for a girl and try to even out those numbers. Hehe...

    LoLs! It's true though! :)


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