Monday, November 27, 2017

Green Bean Casserole from Scratch!

This Ultimate Green Bean Casserole from Daring Gourmet was seriously the best!  I was searching on Google for the best green bean casserole and this seriously caught my attention.  Fresh green bean instead of the canned green bean and the fresh mushroom, cheese and organic half & half definitely beat the canned of cream of mushroom soup anytime!

Instead of the roast turkey breast, my girls opted for roasted chicken instead.  I bought the Sprout Hawaiian bread and non-GMO apple cider and I just needed to make the gravy, my awesome mashed organic potato and this ultimate green bean casserole.

The easy spread!  I didn't make the cranberry salsa as I will be the only one eating it (Even though it is so yummy).  Hence,  I chose to save money and extra prep and cook.  :)  Edda helped me a lot in the kitchen, she peeled the potatoes for me and sliced the mushroom for me which made it so much faster to complete this meal.

I haven't cooked for ages so I was happy to hear from my girls that their mom still got it!  Ha!  They were afraid that I would lose my touch if I stop cooking for a long time.  I guess cooking is a skill and once you got it, you got it!  :)

Sorry I didn't manage to come out with any new recipe lately.  Hoping my 10 years innovation and collection of recipes here are helping you.  Have a Happy Holidays readers!

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