Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Baked Pumpkin Mochi Cake

I wanted to try making this because I saw a picture of someone selling pumpkin mochi.  Since I made red bean mochi before, I knew I could easily modified the recipe and made my own version of pumpkin mochi.  So, I set to work and created this beauty.  When it was out of the oven, the top crust was crispy and soft inside.  On the next day, it turned soft and slightly chewy.  I hope you like this recipe and feedback to me!

My easy recipe, with only a whisk and a bowl.  Less steps and less things to wash later.  I couldn't resist and cut one small row to try, before I remember I haven't taken a picture yet!  Heehee!

Recipe modified from my Red Bean Mochi Cupcake recipe.


2 large eggs
3/4 cup cane sugar
1/2 cup oil
1 1/4 cup milk
1 tsp. baking powder
Dash of cinnamon powder
Dash of nutmeg powder
200g pumpkin puree
200g glutinous rice flour


1.  In a large mixing bowl, add in eggs, whisk.  Add sugar, whisk to mix.

2.  Add in oil.  Whisk.  Add milk and whisk to blend well.

3.  Add in baking powder, pumpkin puree, cinnamon and nutmeg, whisk to blend.

4.  Lastly add in the flour and whisk until combined.

5.  Preheat oven to 350'F.  Line a 8x8 square pan with parchment paper.  Pour the batter into it and bake for 60 minutes.

6.  Let it cool before slicing.  Keep in an air-tight container.  The crispy top will turn soft the next day.


  1. Bake 1hour?! Wow how can we tell it's done since it's suppose to be sticky... Is it like muk shi kou?

  2. Hi Mae,
    The texture is different from muk shi kou, not as sticky and chewy. You know it's done when you inserted a tooth pick and it's no longer "wet".


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