Friday, February 07, 2014

Easy Pineapple Rolls

Easy pineapple rolls for a lazy me!  Or should I named it Lazy Pineapple Rolls??  What to do if I want to eat pineapple tart or roll but don't want to spend a whole day of making it?  I gotta think of a short-cut!!  With the earlier Red Bean Pastry Roll, I got the idea of making my pineapple roll the same easy way.  Granted it was not as pretty as the traditional method but I got my pineapple rolls and my girls were happy!  This is mostly for overseas moms who want some CNY treat but don't want to spend too much time of making it.  It's easy, so for those moms who were too scare to attempt it before (or too lazy), you can make this easy version!!

This is not the melt-in-the-mouth pastry, but not too bad I might say.  After years of making the CNY cookies every year, I have gotten lazy so this year I pick or create an even easier cookie recipes to make.  Now my girls are getting bigger and they look forward to my yearly CNY cookies, so I would make some for them.  Last time, I used to make a lot to give to friends but now just for my family consumption.

Dough recipe courtesy of  I was trying to link it but for some reason the website couldn't be found!   However, I still want to credit dodocook for this inspiration.

What a lazy method right?  :D  Hey, it worked!


200g bread flour
60g cane sugar
1/4 tsp. sea salt
100g unsalted butter, soften
1 large brown egg

Pineapple paste, as needed


1.  In a food processor, add in (A).  Pulse to mix.

2.  Add in (B) and pulse until a dough is formed.  Flour your working surface and add in the dough.  Knead until smooth.  Roll it out thin in a rectangle shape, cut out the uneven part.  Place the pineapple paste filling along the long rectangle length, roll it up to seal.  Seal side down.

3.  Cut it into pieces.  Use a pastry roller to create patten on top and brush the top with egg wash.  Place on parchment lined baking sheet.  Finish the rest.

4.  Preheat oven to 350'F.  Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.  Cool on wire rack completely before storing.

My Pineapple Paste Recipe:

2 pineapples, peel, cut out eyes and core and process until fine in a food processor.  Or short-cut, use 2 cans of crushed pineapple.  Pour it into a large frying pan, add 1 cup of sugar, 2 cinnamon sticks, 1 star anise and 6 cloves.  Let it simmer until the jam is ready.  About 1 hour or until thicken.  This is the most tedious part in the making of this pineapple rolls.  You can make this one day ahead and keep it in the refrigerator to thicken it some more.


  1. I don't think I am even hardworking enough to make lazy pineapple rolls!

  2. This looks soooo easy! A great way to make a ton of cookies/rolls quickly. Thanks for the recipe!

  3. These rolls really sounds easy and look delicious.


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