Thursday, November 07, 2013

Cream Cheese Chicken Pasta

My quick way of disposing the cream cheese, use it to make cheesy pasta!  Or to make cream cheese chicken soup (old recipe back in 2008) or cream cheese pound cake (2009).  I got to admit, this cheesy pasta is a bit dry, so make sure you don't over-cook the pasta like me until most of the almond milk was evaporated.  Take it out when it's still wet.  Or just add more almond milk or milk (your choice).  Edda loved it and requested to finish the leftover.  Of course I warmed the leftover pasta on the stove in a saucepan and added more almond milk to make it creamy for her.  She said it was delicious!  I have 4 more ounce of cream cheese, more cheesy pasta or cream cheese pound cake to make....hmmm...


4 skinless and boneless chicken thighs, cut into small pieces
1 (16oz.) spaghetti
2 Tbsp. soften butter
1/2 small red bell pepper, chopped
1/4 small yellow onion, chopped
3 gloves of garlic, minced
2 stalks of scallion, chopped
A handful of basil, washed
1 tsp. crushed red peppers (optional but strongly recommended)
1/2 or 4 oz. of soften cream cheese, cut into smaller pieces
1 cup unsweetened almond milk (or as needed, can be substituted with milk)
Sea salt or Himalayan pink rock salt to taste
Freshly crushed black pepper to taste


1.  Place the cut out chicken thighs into a bowl, season it with extra virgin olive oil, Penzeys Spices 33rd Galena Chicken and Pork Rub and Mural of Flavor.  You can also add any spices of your choice.  Mix well and keep refrigerated until ready to use.

2.  Chopped and minced the red bell pepper, onion, garlic and scallion.  Set aside.

3.  Cook the spaghetti per package direction, drain and set aside.

4.  Heat up your frying pan,  add in the butter and chicken.  Saute until the chicken is no longer pink.  Add in the garlic, onion and bell pepper, saute well.  Add in the pasta, mix well and add the crushed red pepper (if using) and scallion.  Mix well.  Add the almond milk and cream cheese.  Stir well until cream cheese melted.  Add more almond milk if needed to keep it moist.

5.  Season to taste the sea or rock salt and a generous amount of crushed black pepper.  Switch off the heat and tear off the basil leaves with your hand before adding into the pasta.  Mix well and serve hot!

~Serve with sea or rock salt, black pepper, and crushed red peppers for individual taste.


  1. I will also try cooking cream cheese pasta if I have cream cheese to use up next time :p I usually cook tomato-based pasta cos the "sourness" opens up our appetite (can eat more!!! hahaha) but I think it is good to have a change to cream-based sometimes. Thanks for the "inspiration"


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