Friday, September 20, 2013

Dairy Free Superfoods Muffins

This is the upgraded version of my healthy muffins.  I am making this dairy free because lots of health conscious people don't drink milk.  I am in the transition to change it to almond milk.  The almond milk that I want to make myself.  However, if I can't find raw almonds on sales or gotten lazy, I would buy the one that is non-GMO verified with minimal ingredient list.  Anyway, this dairy free muffin was created because I was out of almond milk and needed to find a substitute.  So, I thought why not tried it with water?  Tada!  It worked beautifully and turned out moist and delicious. Lesson learned:  We don't need milk to make the banana muffin moist.

One of this muffin with a cup of coffee, you are super charge for the day!  Try it and feedback to me ya!  This muffin is delicious!


2 large cage free brown eggs
4 thaw frozen bananas
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 cup water
1 cup pure cane sugar (can cut it down to 3/4 cup if you prefer it less sweet)
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

1 1/2 cup organic stone ground whole wheat flour
1 cup old fashion rolled oats
1/2 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
2 Tbsp. chia seeds
4 Tbsp. ground flaxseeds

2 Tbsp. sunflower seeds
1/4 cup dried cranberries


1.  In a large glass bowl, add in (A) according to list and whisk with a hand whisk after each addition.  

2.  Then, add in (B) all at once and whisk until combine.  Lastly, add in (C) and whisk to blend well.

3.  Preheat oven to 350'F.  In the meantime, scoop batter into prepared muffin cups or paper cups lined muffin pan until 3/4 full. 

4.  Bake for 20 minutes.   Cool on wire rack completely before storing them in an air-tight container.  Yields about 23 muffins.  Put what you can't finish in 2 days in a ziploc bag/ container and freeze it.  Take it out to thaw at room-temperature before serving.  Or put one frozen muffin in your kid's lunch box and it will be thaw during their lunch time and at the meantime keep his/her sandwich cold.



  1. I like how water is used as alternative :) So healthy! I would really like to have some with morning coffee.

  2. Great to know that healthy can be yummy too :)

  3. Yes, I agree that you don't need milk to enhance the flavour of muffins. I sometimes add orange juice or soy milk or almond milk to my muffins or cakes.

  4. Thanks Holiday Baker Man. :)

    Me too Tigerfish, great to know that I can use just water too. :) I know you are not a baker, but this recipe only required a hand whisk and a bowl, and fool proof, you can definitely make this! :)

    Thanks Alice. :)

    Agreed Veronica. ;)

  5. Seriously, you'd hardly know these are healthy!

  6. I'm all for healthy! But quite hard to get almond milk, maybe I don't know where to look.

  7. Belinda, I hope it's healthy but according to the author of "Wheat Belly", any kind of wheat is bad for us. I don't know what to do!

    Phong Hong, just make your own! I think you can easily buy the raw almond at the bakery supplies store. Take 1 cup of raw almonds, soak it for at least 8 hours. Use that water to water your plant. Place 1 cup soaked almonds in a blender, add 3 cups of water and blend until fine. Sieve out the almond water with a fine sieve and keep refrigerated. You can bake the almond meal at low heat in the oven until dry and use that in your baking. :)

  8. healthy and yet delicious at the same time :)

  9. Indeed very healthy these muffins...look awesome!
    Thanks and have a great week Ching :D


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