Thursday, April 11, 2013

Samples of Evy's Lunch Boxes

Kimchi Fried Rice with Roasted Seaweed to wrap the rice

Turmeric Brown Rice with Stir-Fried Spinach and Chicken with Wood Ear Fungus and Tofu Knot

Rice with Asparagus Fried Eggs and Stir-Fried Carrot with Stir-Fried Cabbage

A friend asked me to provide some ideas for lunch boxes.  Evy's lunch boxes are pretty simple, just what we had the night before.  The above are some examples.  On the day without lunch box, I would prepare kimbap, Vietnamese spring roll, boiled dumplings, sandwich meatballs with cheese, dry noodle, eggs or tuna sandwich, salad with fruit or anything I can think of on that day.  Let me know if you like to see more of her lunch boxes or I will just take picture of those creative ones.


  1. I don't mind having your daughter's lunch for my lunch and dinner, seriously.

  2. Can you please make my lunches??

  3. Very nice that your kid get's to bring home cooked meal to school. I think these ideas will work for the working adults too. Sure, I would love to see more lunch box ideas!

  4. Thanks for sharing , currently I have no time to send bento for kids in the school ..

  5. Hi, I love your simple and healthy lunch boxes. May i ask you how to cook the brown rice, is not mushy at all. I have problem to get the right texture either on stove or rice cooker. Can you give me some tips?

  6. Anon, I actually did a blog post about brown rice that you can search within my blog called Healthy Brown Rice. For me, I use rice cooker and for 2 cups of long grain brown rice, I have to use 3 to 3.5 cups of water. I usually prepare my brown rice around 2pm and set the timer to cook at 5pm. So, it's like pre-soaking the brown rice for 2 hours. For short grain brown rice, you will need to add even more water for the rice to be soft and yet not mushy. Hope it helps!

  7. Love you daughter lunch boxes! I have been debating how do I send my kids with left over food as they don't have microwave to heat up food.
    Does your daughter get to heat up her food? Or you heat up in the morning, so she eat her lunch at room temperature?

  8. Hi Anon,
    For using leftover, you need to go and buy a thermos. I prefer the one I got at the Asian store because it's bigger and has two layers. So, on the next day, heat up the food in a microwave using glass container and then pack the food inside the thermos. The food is still slightly warm during her lunch time. :)


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