Monday, April 15, 2013

Black Porridge Dessert

According to the Chinese, black food is a golden food for the kidney.  And taking care of your kidney is very important as it can reverse aging and makes you look vibrant and younger.  A good kidney can erase the sign of aging, black spots and blemishes on your face, and even turn white hair into black hair.  If you maintain a strong healthy kidney, you will have strong bone and bone marrow, articulate, hear well, clear face and jet black hair. Other black foods that need to be noted are black fungus, black mushroom, kelp, seaweed, fermented black beans, black chicken, black lentils, blackberries, black grapes and etc.  Are you impressed?

So, I made a quick and fuss free black porridge for us, using a slow cooker (the idea came from a Chinese source).  I finally found another way to enjoy some black beans besides cooking it in soup.  Since this is sweet, it is enjoy by everyone, even my girls loved it.  Not only this is delicious, fuss free to cook but also extremely healthy.  For the real benefit, it was recommended to have a bowl everyday and you will see result in week 3 +.  I am not sure whether I want to eat it every day though, but probably once a week (good enough for 3 days) as I do cook with black sesame seeds, seaweed, mushroom and black fungus often during the week.

All ingredients can be found at the Asian supermarkets except walnuts.  If you don't see the black slab sugar, feel free to buy the brown slab sugar.  Dried lily bulbs can be found at the herbal aisle in the Asian store.


2500ml filtered water
1 cup black rice, rinse
3/4 cup black beans, rinse and soak overnight
3 Tbsp. black sesame seeds
20 dried lily bulbs (百合)
5 walnuts, chop
2 slabs black cane sugar, or to taste (if you can't find black cane sugar, you can use brown slab cane sugar or yellow rock sugar)


Put everything, except sugar in your 4l slow cooker and turn on high.  Let it cook for 5 hours or so (or until black beans are soft) and add sugar to taste.  Serve warm or cool.  Very delicious!  Keep leftover in an air-tight container and keep refrigerator, then serve cold.

~ Yields about 12 small bowls.  


  1. I like that you combine 3 black foods as one dish. A bowl everyday might be too "heaty"? Once a week sounds better :)

  2. My grandma used to cook something similar but only with black rice and santan. It was yummy!

  3. I never had this kind of porridge...and know that I will like this...especially with the sure gives the porridge a nice texture in each bite.
    Enjoy your week Ching :)


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