Monday, March 04, 2013

Angel Hair Pasta with Clams

If you are my avid blog reader, you should know that I loved to watch healthy Chinese cooking shows from Taiwan.  And clams have always been brought up as a healthy food to eat.  It is high in vitamins and minerals especially B12 (prevents Alzheimer disease) , iron (prevents anemia) and selenium (helps fight arthritis), protein, manganese, Vit. C, copper, riboflavin, zinc, and potassium.  You can read more about the health benefits here

Since the clam meats that I bought were frozen and cooked, I made a pasta dish with it.  If I have some fresh and live clams, I would cook Kam Heong clam/ lala or steam it with homemade sweet rice wine with gingers and scallion.

Anyway, I read that wild clams or any seafood might have some mercury in it, so I paired it with cilantro!  Oh yes, as cilantro can remove heavy metal like mercury from the body through elimination process.  Hence, it's a great idea to pair cilantro with any seafood that you cook.


1 pkt of angel hair pasta (12-15oz)
1 (10oz) clam meat
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 shallots, thinly sliced
1/2 tsp. dried chili flakes (more if you like it spicier)
1 large tomato, chopped
1 bowl of chopped broccoli, about 1.5 cup
2 Tbsp. butter
1/2 cup of chopped cilantro
Sea salt to taste
Pepper medley to taste


1.  Cook angel hair pasta as package instruction, drain in cold water and set aside.

2.  Heat your sautepan, when hot, add in extra virgin olive oil and shallots.  Saute for a little bit, add in garlic, then broccoli.  Stir for a little while.  Add in tomato and chili flakes.  Mix well.

3.  Add 1 Tbsp. of butter and then the clams, mix well.  Add in pasta and the last 1 Tbsp. of butter.  Stir to mix well.

4.  Season to taste with sea salt and pepper medley.  Lastly in add in cilantro.  Switch off the fire and give it a light toss.  Serve on a plate.

This is the frozen clam meat that I bought


  1. I love clams! But I hv never cooked with frozen cooked clams before. What brand did you buy? I buy and cook live clams occasionally - usually cook with garlic, sliced chili, finish off with cooking wine, the toss in pasta too! Which cooking show do you watch from TW? :P I enjoy their cooking shows too.

  2. I didn't know cilantro has such a great property. Good news I am growing some now hehe... your pasta makes me hungry.

  3. Fantastic! What a light and airy dish!

  4. Tigerfish, I like 食在有健康, 愛玩客 and 吃飯皇帝大. ;)

  5. I love clams and pasta. They are just so easy to prepare and delicious. Yours look so wonderful and got me craving for some now.

  6. Your pasta looks delicious and I love the presentation. I love cilantro and at the restaurant I will always kidnap the cilantro if it is used as a garnish hee..hee...

  7. Never know clam is so good, next time I must cook clam more often ., thanks for sharing the info. Your simple pasta also look good!


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