Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Stir-Fried Tofu with Chayote

I fell in love with chayote once I tried it.  So, I have been buying it quite frequently because chayote is a nutritious veggie.  I mentioned about the nutrition in my previous or first post about chayote, please refer back to my old post (under vegetable) to read about it if you are interested.

The above dish is easy and super delicious.  I just substituted the chicken breast with tofu for my meatless meal.  All you need for this dish is a bottle of Lee Kum Kee's Chu Hou Sauce.  I just ran out of this sauce and I have been to two Asian supermarkets and couldn't find it.  *cry*  I guess I had to make another trip to a different Asian supermarket up in Denver to search for it.  I dislike how the Asian market here is not quick in restocking their products or sometimes they just stop ordering it.  *sigh*


  • 1/2 (14 oz) Extra firm tofu, so 7 oz 
  • 1/2 chayote, washed
  • 1 small carrot, thinly sliced
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 tsp. LKK Chu Hou sauce
  • 1/4 tsp. cane sugar


1.  Cut half of the extra firm tofu, keep the other half in an air-tight container and cover it with water.  Keep in the refrigerator for other use.  For the other half, cut it into strips (like above picture).  Take a plate, lay a paper towel on top.  Put the tofu single layer on top of the paper towel.  Cover it with another paper towel.  Pat dry.

2.  Wear a glove and cut the chayote in half (if small, you can use one chayote).  Keep the other half wrap in cling wrap and in the refrigerator.  Thinly slice the chayote.  Set aside.

3.  Put corn starch in a shallow bowl.  Dip and cover each tofu with the cornstarch and then drop it into the hot oil.  Pan-fry it until both sides are golden brown.  Dish out and set aside.

4.  In the same wok with a little oil.  Add in garlic, fry until slightly brown.  Add in chayote and carrot and stir-fry well.  Add in chu hou sauce and tofu.  Mix well.  Add sugar and mix well.  Serve hot.


  1. My kind of meatless stir-fry! :)

    I bought some chayote last week and going to use them in meatless fry noodles this week!

  2. Chayote, we used to eat a lot back in Brazil...I like how you paired with tofu...looks delicious!
    Hope you are having a great week :)

  3. I love chayote too, they remain crunchy after stir-frying and makes for an excellent meatless dish ingredient ^^

  4. U r on the roll with this for sure! I am really enjoying your meatless posts. :)

  5. Actually I am not really sure what is chayote. Never mine, will google to find out and see whether its found in Malaysia.

    I love all your simple recipes and these are great for our rice. I suppose the adv of staying here is we get plenty of Asian ingredients. Not to say the Western ingredients cannot be found, some how the prices are not cheap to come by. Therefore, I always stick to our Asian style of cooking.

  6. Ah...after searching in googgle I just know chayote:). We call it Labu Siam, love it too!

  7. Tofu... I'm just against it...

    But promise to LOVE your next post... PROMISE

    But there are people who search for tofu recipes every day (but again, not sure why)... ;)

    Thanks for sharing
    Dave at eRecipeCards.com

  8. Meatless is always my favourite. Haven't heard of chayote....silly question but why did you put a glove on before cutting it? I might have missed something...?

  9. Wokandspoon, because it's slippery when sliced and also my fingers that touched it and the slippery "juice"? became very very dry. So, now I put on a plastic glove when I slice chayote.

  10. I like chayote, just simple stir fried like you already so yummy.

  11. such amazing recipes! can u enable a e-mail subscribe pls?

  12. Sorry Divya. I have no idea how to do that. Please support me by visiting my blog. You can also follow via Facebook and my pinterest page. Thanks!


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