Friday, June 01, 2012

Healthy Buns (Whole Wheat, Oats, Millet, Black Sesame Seeds Buns)

I started making my own bread again knowing that it would not have any artificial stuffs added to it.  I called this "Healthy Bun" because it is pretty healthy as I used whole wheat flour, a little bread flour, old fashioned rolled oats, millet, black sesame seeds, milk, butter, brown sugar, salt and yeast.  The ingredients that I am familiar with without any scientific name.

This bun is soft and remain soft.  Since this is homemade, it is best eaten within 2 days at room temperature (you have to check for spoilage after 3rd days) .  Otherwise, freeze it and just take out the amount you want to defroze it on the counter top.  Mostly 30 minutes should be sufficient to defroze it, or for faster speed, use a microwave.  I eat mine with organic jam and my daughters prefer theirs with Nutella.

This recipe makes about 21-22 buns, depending on the size you shape it.  I put out the amount we eat for breakfast at room temperature in an air-tight container and freeze the rest.  Just take out what I want the night before and have it the next morning.

After the Dough function is done


  • 400ml water
  • 2 Tbsp. butter, cut
  • 6 tsp. brown sugar
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup bread flour
  • 1 cup old fashioned rolled oats
  • 2 Tbsp. millet
  • 2 tsp. black sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp. salt
  • 2 tsp. instant yeast

After proving but before baking


1.  Add everything according to the ingredients list into your bread maker.  Set to Dough function and turn it on.

2.  When done, take out the dough, knead it a few times and cut the dough into half.  Shape each half into log.  Cut each log into 9 pieces.  Shape each piece into ball shape and place into a muffin pan.

3.  Let it proves until double in size like above picture, should take about an hour.

4.  Preheat your oven to 375'F.  Bake for 12 minutes.  Cool on wire rack completely before storing in an air-tight container.  You can freeze half of the buns for later.


  1. I bet they smelled good! I just posted your donut recipe on my new blog!

  2. your bread sound really really healthy, your family is lucky to have you as you always make and cook so many healthy meals for them.

  3. Ooo, healthy homemade buns that are soft! And the oats are good for the heart too. I need to get myself a breadmaker. My homemade bread tend to turn out ok on the day that it's made and then rock hard the next day - good for the ducks!

  4. Love them in the little tins! They came out perfectly!

  5. I have never made buns or bread because I don't know how and don't have the skills either.

    You did a fantastic job because the buns looks so good. I agree that home made ones are so much better because its healthy and we can add in ingredients as per our taste.

  6. Thanks Alicia. Hopping over! :)

    I do hope they appreciate it Sonia. I also teach them on the way, at least when they grow up they would make a better choice for themselves.

    WokandSpoon, try my recipe! My recent buns recipes that used milk always soft and remain soft without any bread improver or bread softener. That's why I liked them. :)

    Thanks Belinda. :)

    Thanks Nava. You should try making some buns, it's not really that difficult. ;)

  7. wow!! you're really hard working nowadays!! cooking a lot of healthy food!! salut to you and your family!!

  8. Thanks for the recipe. I am just curious. Did the buns taste good? You said they were soft so take it that thy were light in spite of the wholegrains?


  9. U r on the roll with your health quest and I think it's working so well-eating healthy need not sacrifice in taste!

  10. I am trying My Asian Kitchen. :)

    Hi Pat, they taste good to me. Yes, light despite the whole grains. Tastier than the whole wheat bread I bought at Sunflower Market.

    Daphne, for people who are used to whole grains, it tastes good. But not so sure for people who like white rice, white flour and white bread. :P

  11. Your bread/buns are healthy and nutritious. We eat bread almost everyday - too bad I don't bake! :( So we try to get those minimally processed/no artificial ingredients bread from stores here.


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