Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sweet Potatoes Rice (地瓜飯)

Sweet potato is one of the healthiest food one can eat.  It contains vitamins A, Bs, C, manganese, potassium, dietary fiber and some iron. It improve immune system, preserve eye sight, fight infections, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and has low glycemic index.  But for people with kidney and gallbladder ailments, consult your doctor before consuming.

I have a combination of orange and purple sweet potatoes for my rice simply because I love the different displayed of colors.

This is one healthy and delicious way of eating the sweet potatoes.  You can make it complete with a fried egg (sunny side up) on top for a more balance meal.  Or you can serve it with lean protein and a veggie side dish.

Peeled, washed and cut the sweet potatoes into cubes.  Add into your washed white rice.  Add chicken stock (homemade or store-bought) according to your rice cooker direction.  Turn it on to cook.  I used 2 purple sweet potatoes, 1/2 sweet potato and 3 cups white rice.

Meanwhile, prepare the stir-frying ingredients.  4 shiitake mushrooms, soften in water overnight, sliced.  2 scallions, separate the white and green part, diagonally sliced, reserve the green part for garnish. 1 big shallot or 2 small, sliced.  2 Tbsp. dried shrimps, soften in water, drain.

Note:  You can make this vegetarian by using vegetable stock and omitting the dried shrimps.

When the sweet potatoes rice is cooked, let it rest for 15 minutes.  Heat up the wok, add in a little oil.  Add in shallot, scallion and dried shrimps, stir-fry until fragrant.  Add in mushroom, stir-fry well.  Add in white rice wine, soy sauce and white pepper to taste.  Pour into the cooked rice, add in some Indonesia ABC sweet dark soy sauce and gently mix well.  Serve in a bowl and garnish with scallion and toasted sesame seeds.


  1. interesting! i wonder if my kids will accept this combination
    but i definitely will
    thks for sharing :)

  2. I love the colours in this I have to say- you give me a reason to miss carbs! LOL

  3. What a sweet way to enjoy rice!! LOVE it!

  4. i always cook sweet potato porridge yet to try the rice. It looks yummy :)

  5. Yummie...I like that you have 2 different sweet potatoes, not only tasty delicious but looks very pretty this rice dish.
    Thanks for this tasty recipe and hope you are having a fabulous week :)

  6. It reminds me of the show called 苦心莲. I love how you made use of the 2 different sweet potatoes. So colourful and flavourful! ;)

  7. When I was a kid, I used to hear about Sweet Potatoes Rice in the tear jerker "Ku Xin Nian".

    Having a combo of both colours in the rice is beautiful

  8. great idea! love the way you combine two difference colours of sweet potato, look so beautiful and this is healthy too.

  9. I like pumping up carbs with carbs that is also veggie! :)

  10. Another one of my kind of fried rice. Will go for the vegetarian version without the dried shrimps.

    Since I have run out of fried rice recipe, this came on time for me to try another type. I tend to make fried rice very often, esp on Sundays after waking up quite late but still want to make something simple at home.

  11. You are welcome Alice, hope your kids will like it. :)

    Thanks Daphne.

    Thanks Belinda.

    Thanks Cass. You should try it in rice too!

    Thanks Juliana. I love the duo colors too. :)

    Thanks F4T!

    Wendy, the 2nd times I heard about 苦心莲. :D But I don't remember this show though.

    Thanks Sonia, sure make the rice look more appealing. ;)

    Thanks Tigerfish. :D In my book, sweet potato is better than potato. :P

    Nava, this is not fried rice. More like a mixed rice. The sweet potato rice is cooked in a rice cooker and then mixed with some sauce and ingredients.

  12. I think my daughter would like this - purple is one of her favourite colours!

  13. so colourful, interesting combination

  14. love this colourful and healthy one-dish meal!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


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