Sunday, March 25, 2012

Purple Sweet Potatoes (紫色地瓜)

Sweet potatoes or 地瓜 come in various colors.  The most common orange and yellow and not as common purple.  The purple color one is slightly more expensive.  Sweet potato is really good for us as it contains lots of vitamin A, C, manganese, Bs, potassium, dietary fiber and iron.  Hence, it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory properties, can improve immune system, preserve eye sight, fight infections, anti-cancer (some even said better than ginseng) and low glycemic index (suitable for diabetics).  This is by far one of the healthiest food to eat.  However, people suffering from kidney and gallbladder ailments are not suitable to eat this.  Consult with your doctor for a recommended amount.

Recipe coming up will be my version of sweet potato rice (地瓜飯), stay tune for this healthy and yummy rice!!

It looks so normal on the outside, but inside is a vibrant purple color and very sweet!!  I bought it at my local Asian market.  For the above recipe, I just steamed it for 30 minutes in the steamer or until soft.  Break open and enjoy!


  1. We grow purple sweet potatoes here, but never knew folks with those issues shouldn't eat them. Thanks!

  2. I like the purple sweet potatoes too. I had them roasted the last time! Waiting for your 地瓜飯 :)

  3. I have to agree on the nutrients of sweet potatoes though the purple ones come by once a while. Sometimes I just boil some and eat with some sugar and grated coconut.

  4. Simple steam of this purple sweet potato is nice too.

  5. Never seen purple sweet potatoes before! Looking forward to the recipe.

  6. I only recently tried the purple sweet potato and loved it - throw all your recipes my way :D

    Choc Chip Uru
    Latest: Double Jaffa Nutella Fudge Cookies + More

  7. So pretty as well!! Waiting to see what you did with it.


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