Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Korean Jajangmyeon (Noodle with Black Bean Sauce)

Even though I am Chinese but I never seen this noodle dish before in Malaysia.  I actually learned about this famous Korean Chinese food from watching the Korean dramas.  I got fascinated because this jajangmyeon only served in the Korean Chinese restaurant and it is a Korean fusion Chinese food.   Last year I found out that the Chinese restaurant near my house also featured Korean menu and jajangmyeon was one of them.  So of course I got to buy and give it a try.  But at almost $10 a bowl, it was not affordable.  Recently I saw this recipe at a Korean cookbook and found out that it was actually very easy to make at home.  All I needed to buy were the fresh noodle and the black bean sauce at the Korean market and I was set to go.

Originally this recipe called for pork but I used chicken instead.  Oh well, I only have chicken in my house and my mom also asked me to eat less pork.  Overall, it tasted almost identical to the one I paid $10 for.  So, I am happy that I can easily recreate this dish at home and save some money.  I served it up with the Spicy Korean Radish.

Sharing this with Presto Pasta Nights hosted at Ruth of Once Upon a Feast.


Serving size: 5

  • 1  (37oz./1050g) premium fresh noodle or jajangmyeon noodle
  • 1 large boneless and skinless chicken breast, cut into small cubes (marinate it with rice wine, salt, white pepper and cornstarch)
  • 1/2 large yellow onion, chopped
  • 1/2 zucchini (if large), 1 zucchini (if small), cut into cubes
  • 1 small carrot, cut into cubes
  • 3 heap Tbsp. Korean black bean sauce
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 tsp. sugar
  • 2 Tbsp. cornstarch mixed with 2 Tbsp. water
  • Oil for cooking


1.  Cook noodle per package direction.  Drain and rinse with cold water.  If not it will stick together and create clumps.  Unless you eat it right away.

2.  Heat wok over high heat and when heated, add in some cooking oil.  When hot, add in the chicken and stir-fry until no longer pink.

3.  Add in the cubes onion, carrot and then zucchini and stir-fry until soften.  

4.  Add in the black bean sauce.  Stir to mix well.  Add in water and sugar.  Stir well.  Lastly thicken with cornstarch water.

5.  Pour on top of the noodle to serve.


  1. I was on the same boat as you too. Almost every k-drama i watched, the actors ate jajang. So i was frantically looking for a recipe online. Didn't turn out so well for me, but you make me want to revisit my jajang recipe.

    Oh yeah, when I'm lazy i just buy the instant jajang called "Nong Shim Chapagetti" at the korean markets. Soo good!

  2. This is really interesting... I have heard a lot of jajangmyeon from kdrama too and never tried before. You have made it so simple and thanks for the recipe!

  3. Good choice and good idea to save up! It looks tasty too!

  4. This is one my absolutely favorite noodle dishes. Absolutely. I'm really hungry now.

  5. Looks lovely! It's always neat when you can recreate a yummy dish from a restaurant at home :) Thanks for sharing!

  6. Looks a little like squid ink pasta :)

  7. The first time I learn about Korean Jajangmyeon was in K-drama too! lol

    But I never attempted to try to cook it at home before. Maybe the Korean Jajangmyeon I tried at one particular eatery spoiled it for me :O

  8. And i never knew how easy it is to make this. Amazing. and I think chicken will be just as tasty!

  9. Yup! That's how I made mine. I made it with pork the first time and chicken 2nd time. I've been eating less pork too. I have to thin out the sauce and bit and reseason it bc straight up is too strong. I add a little chicken bouillion to flavor it. Tastes good! I also put a lot of veggies in it.

  10. I've been wanting to try this forever (thanks to Korean dramas heheheh), but haven't had a chance yet. I must really make time to try it (make at home or eat outside? hmmm...)

  11. I also influence by kdrama to cook this noodles!! welcome to kdrama world!

  12. the sauce looks savoury and delicous :)~~

  13. haha me too! Saw this in Koream dramas and went to look for the paste. it's delicious!

  14. JadeHeartz, I need to try the "Nong Shim Chapagetti", have yet to try this, just the spicy soup ones.

    You are welcome hanushi. It's actually very easy to make it at home. :)

    Thanks bits of taste.

    Hehe, go buy one Belinda. :P

    I agreed Parsley Sage!

    Pswsydney, yeah a little bit.

    Haha Tigerfish, actually it's either you like it or you don't. It tastes different from our Chinese noodle.

    Yeah Daphne, very easy to make it at home and saves a ton!

    Thao, a little chicken bouillon would be a good idea, to add a little sweetness to it or a depth to it. I would try this next time. :)

    Haha Rita, yeah thanks to K-drama, or else I wouldn't have known this noodle existed. :P

    Haha Lesley....yeah and my fascination on Korean cuisine too, thanks to k-drama.

    Thanks noobcook.

    Haha...pigpigs! :)

  15. i never watch Korean drama, no time lor. But love this kind of simple and yummy noodles, must try to get Korean black bean sauce soon.Thanks for sharing.

  16. Looks delicious. Thanks for sharing with Presto Pasta Nights. Of course I can't pronounce Jajangmyeon, so I'll just have to write it out for when I go to the local Asian market here.

  17. Sounds like a great recipe and so healthy too! Visiting from presto pasta nights and following now too :-)

  18. Can i know where you buy the black bean paste? I'm living in JB. Really really need to know. Kakao me please idarahman

  19. Hi Ida, sorry not much help here as I am living in the U.S. and I bought it at a Korean supermarket here.

  20. Thanks! I wanted to make it with chicken but i couldn't find a recipe anywhere! I just made it and it tastes amazing!! thanks again!! :)

  21. You are very much welcome Anon and thanks for your feedback. :)

  22. Hi, do u know if the black bean sauce is suitable for vegetarian or would they have pork/ meat as part of its ingredients? I cannot read korean so wouldn't be able to read the labels��

  23. Sorry Anon. I don't read Korean too so I couldn't provide you with the answer. :(

  24. Where can i get black bean sauce?


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