Monday, January 31, 2011

Instant Noodle with Cheese

If you watched Korean drama or Korean variety shows, you would probably noticed that they added a slice of cheese in their instant noodle or Korean rice noodle.  At first when I saw it, I was like what was that that they put into the instant noodle, then I realized that it was a piece of cheese.  That was mind blowing for me, cheese in spicy kimchi soup??  I was really curious especially those who tasted it all said it was good.  So, my curiosity got better of me and I bought Korean kimchi instant noodle and my American cheese and decided to give it a try.

To increase nutrition, I added seaweed and an egg.  By the way, the Korean instant noodle was like Taiwanese instant noodle made without preservatives and with all natural ingredients.  So, after I finished cooking, I pour it into a bowl and then top with a piece of American cheese.  When the cheese started to melt like the above picture, I stir to mix it well into the soup.

My verdict:  it actually tasted delicious, the soup when mixed it well together was richer and thicker with the fragrant of cheese.  Thumb up from me!  Try it yourself to believe it!  :-)


  1. Hmm...I might have to try this to jazz up the noodles!

  2. How interesting!!!! hhahahaa, can i do it to any spicy noodles i wonder?

  3. Another popular dish you'll find at the Korean drinking cafe's is corn cheese! Cheese with a slice of american cheese on it :)

  4. I have watched/ still watching (blush!) a lot of Korean dramas but I can't believe I didnt notice this practice hehe..I only know cheese is added to ddukbokki...ok sounds like an interesting idea and I shall give it a try soon since I have kimchi right now as well :D

  5. Thanks for putting up this post. I also have my instant noodles with cheese and this is in my "backlog post". I don't know this is from Korean show, my cousin taught me.

    Happy new year to you!

  6. think of mac n cheese. It's also 'noodle'.

    I put cheese for the kids in their noodle, rice or carbo dishes to increase the protein level.

  7. I have not added cheese to instant noodles before but I know about it. Some even add a slice or two into curry, and claimed to be delicious.

    Should try it in instant noodles soon. ;p

  8. woww... I think that's a good n creative idea to make an additional taste from original instant noodles, it's call combine west and east style.. haha... ^^ great!!...

  9. I eat a lot of instant noodles, I have to try this. The melted cheese looks nice.

  10. I love Korean instant noodles with cheese too, it was delicious when I tried it...:)!!

  11. Hmm, I never noticed them adding cheese to the ramen when I watch. I'll have to look for that next time. But it sounds like a good combination!

  12. i love instant noodle and I am going to try adding cheese on it, looks so tempting. Wish you and your family a Happy Lunar New Year, Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  13. wow, its so intresting ching, i might try it out :)

  14. try topping this with some potato crisps!! awesome!

  15. This kinda sounds like something I'd try. I sometimes mix spicy things with processed (American) cheese. I'll need to try that the next time I find kimchi instant noodles.


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