Friday, January 28, 2011

Brown Sugar Glutinous Rice Cake (Kuih Pulut Gula Hitam)

I made this Malaysian cake or kuih to bring to a friend's house.  I won't be sharing the recipe because I didn't make a good job of it.  The glutinous rice turned out too soft and I think I picked the wrong method to do this.  Since I made this without measurement, just estimation, I also found it not sweet enough.  Since lots of people know how to make this, I won't be telling you how.  Just that I added brown sugar and sweeten coconut flakes into the coconut fragrant glutinous rice before putting it into a container to shape.

Surprisingly my hubby liked it and I thought he hardly eat any Malaysian cake.  I would definitely try this again and this time with another method of doing it.  This cake is best eaten on the same day.  It is not recommended to put it in the refrigerator as this will harden the glutinous rice.

I tried to arrange it like a snowflake, haha... does it look like a snowflake?  :-P


  1. the shape reminds me of kue wajik in Indonesia.

  2. Sure looks sweet enough to me, but look forward to the time you make it again and share the recipe.

  3. Hmm... I think it still looks awesome! I would totally gobble it up. The texture looks chewy and wonderful :)

  4. It´s almost similar that we have in Indonesia too, we call it "Wajik". You can see my post here :

  5. Would love to try this - such a beautiful presentation.

  6. yum yum!

    ive been your silent reader for the past few months - have tried some of your cookings too 4my family
    thks for sharing all the great recipes :)

    hope u dont mind i ve linked your blog to mine

    thks :)

  7. haha it does look like a snowflake, in fact I don't know how to make this hehe but it looks extra snowflakey with the coconut :D

  8. you are indeed the expert! i dunno how to make kuih like this :D hehehe

  9. i miss this kuih pulut or we called as wajik. my mom used to mix it with durian too and it smell n taste sooo wonderful.

    indeed it looks like a snowflake ching, good job :)

  10. U are good in cutting the cake into such pretty sizes. I am HOPELESS in cutting it properly. I have never have this cake before but hope to try it one day.

  11. Wishing you and your family a wonderful and prosperous new year. Kung Hei Fatt Choy!


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