Saturday, November 13, 2010

Stir Fried Pumpkin with Eggs

Never did I know that stir-frying pumpkin can be so scrumptious.  I saved some of the pumpkin fresh from a pumpkin that we carved earlier.  I had pumpkin porridge before and I really liked it as it was sweet and filling.  But I know my girls don't really fancy porridge so I thought I would try something different.

I stir fried zucchini with this recipe and we all loved it, so why not try it with pumpkin.  It was my first time cooking a stir-frying pumpkin and it was so yummy.  The fish sauce gave this dish an extra boost.  If you have extra fresh pumpkin at home, give this dish a try!  I took this picture at night, so it did not look very appetizing, but don't be fooled by it's look, this is a dish I will make again and again.


1/4 of a medium Pumpkin, julienne
1/4 cup of dried shrimps, soften in warm water and drain
3 cloves of garlic, minced
2 large eggs, beaten and seasoned with soy sauce and white pepper

Fish sauce to taste
Salt (optional)
1 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. chicken stock powder


1.  In a heated wok, add in some cooking oil.  When hot, add in the beaten eggs, stir-fry until cooked.  

2.  Scoop the eggs to the side of the wok, add in garlic and dried shrimps in the remaining oil, stir-fry until garlic is slightly golden and dried shrimps are fragrant.  Add in pumpkins and mix all together and stir-fry well.

3.  Stir-fry until pumpkin is cooked and soften.  Season with (A).  Serve hot!


  1. I tried cooking pumpkin this way with some dried shrimps but it always turn out mushy once it is soft. How did you get yours stay in shape :)

  2. I have never thought of stir frying pumpkin either!

  3. Hee heee....yes, stir fry pumpkin can be delicious. We did similar with green onions before and very tasty!

  4. This is a great idea! especially with all the leftover pumpkin flesh from carving during Halloween! thanks for sharing :)

  5. Gert, did you add water in yours? I didn't add any water, just stir-fry it in oil and until it's soften, not over cooking it.

    Belinda, try it, very easy and delicious. :)

    Tigerfish, yeah I just realized it now. Hehehe...

    You are welcome Jen. Try it, really good.

  6. I just made pumpkin porridge over the weekend. stir fry pumpkin is a great idea!

  7. My mom does it with dried shrimps and there's more sauce to it when she cooked it that way. yours looks interesting, gonna get her to try it next time!

  8. i ADORE pumpkin and sc's mom always use it for stir fries. very very yummyyyy

  9. Something for me to take note the next time I have pumpkin. I love how colourful it is as well! very smart idea!!

  10. This looks great! I actually have some pumpkin at home that I need to use up... thanks!

  11. Till now, I just stir-fry pumpkin with dried shrimp and garlic. I like my pumpkin a little bit more mushy.
    The way you cook it sounds new to me.


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