Monday, March 01, 2010

Fried Bee Hoon or Vermicelli

My simple lunch on Sunday.  I don't normally cooked dishes and rice on weekends.  Usually it would be something simple like fried noodle (any variety) or fried rice.  We had something special today because I saved some jicama beancurd rolls for ourselves like what you read on my last posting. Simple fried bee hoon like what you get at the night market in Malaysia can be satisfying, simple like only fried with bean sprouts. I don't know what is the charm of this simple fried bee hoon, do you know?  Or perhaps it was just something we used to have when we grew up.

Delicious fried bee hoon!  I recommend the Elephant brand bee hoon and also Wei Wei bee hoon.  These brands of bee hoon/vermicelli are thin and won't break easily when stir-frying.

I'm sharing this noodle with Presto Pasta Nights, an event created by Ruth from Once Upon a Feast. This is my first entry for the new year 2010.  Wow, it has been a while.  This week host is non-other than Ruth herself, do go and check out Once Upon a Feast delicious round up on March, 5th! It is also the Third Birthday of PPN.

This bowl served us for lunch and dinner.  Killed two birds in one stone, hooray for not having to cook dinner.


  • 1/2 packet of bee hoon/vermicelli, soak in warm water until soften
  • 1 skinless and boneless chicken breast, slice and marinate with rice wine, soy sauce, sesame oil, white pepper and cornstarch.
  • 1 carrot, julienned
  • Some snow peas, washed and cut sideway
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • Seasonings:
  • Oyster sauce
  • Soy sauce
  • A little sugar


1.  In a wok, heat up some oil.  When hot, add in chicken and stir-fry until no longer pink.  Add garlic, carrot and snow peas, fry until the veggies are cooked.
2.  Add in soften vermicelli and some water.  Mix and add in seasonings.  Mix with a chopstick until well distributed.  Fry until cooked.  Dish out and serve.


  1. Oh god, I love vermicelli, it's one of my favourite foods!

  2. ooh...I haven't had bee hoon for a long time. Hub will only eat my mom's bee hoon and not mine. LOL!

  3. I totally agree with you. We grew up eating FBH. FBH and jicama beancurd rolls make a perfect combi for me too. ;')

  4. This looks so yummy! I love fried bee hoon :)

  5. Thanks for sharing this one with Presto Pasta Nights. Hopefully there will be many more of your tasty treats this year.

    I'm heading out to the newest Asian market here in Halifax to pick up the ingredients.

  6. I really love fried bee hoon as a one dish meal. This is my childhood fave too - I can really eat a lot with spicy chilli sauce.

  7. I also cooked a one-dish fried noodles for PPN! Kekeke!

  8. I too love fried bee hoon. Eat it with sambals and curries would be even nicer.

  9. I agree! this is what I grew up on as well. Totally comforting.. sometimes we have it for breakfast!

  10. I have never heard of this kind of noodle before! I love the dressing on this though. Looks delicious.

  11. hi
    1 Love your version of this vermicelli recipe! Also very healthy :)

  12. This looks absolutely fabulous and I cannot wait to fix it, but I have a couple of questions. 1. What kind of oil are you frying the chicken in? 2. How much water do you add while cooking?
    Thank you very much! Can't wait!

  13. Hi Marci,

    I used canola oil in all my cooking unless specify otherwise. You can use any oil you like. As for water, probably about 1 cup.


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