Thursday, February 25, 2010

Jicama Beancurd Rolls

This is my jicama beancurd rolls.  I made some of these to bring to my friend's party and save two for ourselves.  The filling is my mung kuan char or stir-fried jicama.  This mung kuan char consisted of jicama, carrot, woodear, garlic and dried shrimps, season with salt, sugar and chicken granules, very simple.  Then, I wrapped it with the beancurd sheet.  I made a mistake as I dipped the beancurd sheet in water, you are only supposed to soften it with wet fingers.  So, the end result was not as crispy.  Also funny looking skin texture.

It changed the beancurd skin texture and when deep-fried, it was not as crispy.

One of the roll burst opened when frying.  So lesson learned, never to immerse your beancurd sheet in water to soften before rolling, just wet it with your fingers.  I knew that but still decided to try it out because my beancurd sheet won't seal with cornstarch mixture.  Alas!  now really learned my lesson.  I made lots of mistakes in the kitchen too, I made mistake and learned from it, only then I can improve myself.  :-)


  1. Although you say it didn't turn out as pretty as you hoped, I think these rolls look so beautiful! They look very appetizing too! I've never tried these. Yum!

  2. Looks really good! I love Jicama.

  3. I like jicama in everything. Actually planning to make my MIL's popiah this weekend. Wish me luck :D

  4. Ching, I usually wipe the beancurd sheets with a wet towel and it works as well. I too made a lot of mistake especially in the kitchen but we learned from it :) Happy Chap Goh Meh to you and your family.

  5. You can used a not too wet towel to wipe your sheets before rolling and to seal it you can made your cornstarch thicker. Just thru trials and error we get a better result. I learn a new word 'Jicama' too here..hehe

  6. thanks for sharing what u have learnt ching. I have never dare to attempt that dish-given it is deep fried and all but it is still one of loves!

  7. Wooo....but looks crispy leh. Usually I will use a damp paper towel to wipe acroos the surface before I wrap.

  8. These rolls look delicious. I plan on trying to make it.

    Any ideas a dip that would go well with these rolls?

  9. Thanks Sook, you are so kind. :)

    Thanks mycookinghut, I heart jicama too.

    Good Luck ANh! I'm sure it will turn out delicious.

    Back to you Gert. Thanks for your tips. :)

    Thanks for your tips Sweet Jasmine, I have good fellow blogging friends who would teach me along the way. :)

    Thanks pigpigs. :P

    Yes Daphne, it good but it's deep-fried. :P

    Thank you for your tips too Tigerfish. I have good teachers who visit my blog. :)

    Thank Sonia.

    Ronnie, it goes well with Thai sweet chili sauce, Caravel brand.

  10. lovely, lovely i had a lot of this recently, superb!

  11. They look wonderful!I love jicama....I would love to taste those.

  12. Hi, you have a great blog. I have two little girls and I'm very conscious about feeding them healthy nutritious food.

    I love jicama and recently made rice paper rolls with rice paper (a traditional vietnamese dish). I have some beancurd sheets that I forgotten about; you have given me some idea what to do with it.

  13. Haha BBOven, because it was served a lot during CNY yeah. ;)

    Thanks Erica.

    Yen, welcome to my blog. I loved serving nutritious food for my family. Eating healthy has to start young and getting use to. I just switch to serving brown rice for my family.


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