Thursday, February 04, 2010

Kuih Bangkit 2010

My kuih bangkit for 2010.  Same old recipe but using a new cookie cutter.  Too lazy to pinch pattern also.  I wonder how people got energy to make tons to sell?

Recipe can be found here.

Step by step pictures guide here.


  1. :) I wanted to make this but also too lazy to make. LOL! Btw: I made the steamed chinese buns with cream cheese fillings - very creamy and delicious. U must try it too.

  2. Love the shape of the kuih bangkit.. I want to make some too!

  3. haha.. kuih bangkit is one thing I still have no patience for.. those pineapple tart baking have been driving me crazy enough already. Seriously after working for hours in the kitchen it's not much when you bottle them up.. I wonder too how people have so much energy to make tons to sell.. not easy eh..

  4. Nice! I remember long ago we used a wooden mould with many patterns like flowers, rabbits, tortoise and so on to make kuih bangkit. Then we had to knock out the cookies from the piece of wooden mould. Now with cutter so easy.

  5. wow!! you so hard working baking so much cookies for CNY!!

  6. Cooking Ninja, I am lazy too, this time I just make enough for ourselves. Thanks for the steam buns recommendation.

    Thanks Sook.

    Mycookinghut, go make! ;)

    Tracie, I agreed 100%! I spent the whole afternoon making pineapple tarts and it only yield 59 pieces, that's about one bottle. That's why I cannot make and sell, no energy. Kudos to those who can ya.

    Yes Sweet Jasmine, people still use the KB mold, but me being lazy and lack of patient, cookie cutter works best for me. :P

    Hehe Les, because I didn't bake any Christmas cookies mah.

  7. They look great! I baked a batch of butter cookies today and am already exhausted.

  8. Nice shape, but I like my kuih Bangkit a bit burn, tasted better.

  9. Just want to let you know that I have awarded you with 2 blog awards. Please check them out at my blog: Cream Cheese Filled Buns

  10. I don't really care about the pattern as much as I care about the taste. After all, it's for home consumption. ;) I, too, wouldn't have had the time to do all the frills! :) Great step-by-step guide. Thanks for that!

  11. I still wait to try these cookies. :) Why don't you make some and sent them over to Australia for me? :D

  12. Well, I have a friend whose mum used to make this and she would gather a whole load of neighbours around for free labour. We her daughter's friends were also included. We would be paid with Kuih Bangkit for our hard work hahah. Hers is the best I've ever eaten, it's a pity she doesn't do it anymore. :( I wouldn't mind going to help her out and learning at the same time.

  13. wow, look at that, I'm already drooling, great color, looks delicious

  14. I've literally has been checking out this posting almost everyday. I want kuih bangkit so bad and you have one of the easiest recipe (using cups instead of grams). But I'm afraid if I were to make them, I would just gobble them up like nothing else matter.

  15. T, go ahead and indulge yourself, it's only once in a year, no problem! :)

  16. Hi Little Corner

    I made kuih bangkit using your recipe but it turn out hard as rock. May i know whether the 2.5 cups of tapioca flour is before or after frying?

    I realised that the flour becomes much finer after frying. The 2.5 cups i used is after frying.



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