Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Bak Kua (Chinese Pork Jerky)

Bak Kua, my all time favorite when I was a kid and now too.  Love to sandwich it in bread and have it as breakfast.  This is also one favorite for Chinese New Year, people give this as gift in Malaysia.  They also served this for people who visits their houses.  When I moved here, bak kua was non-existence.  All I found that was similar to this is American beef jerky which I couldn't stomach.  Then, four years ago, I found a very easy bak kua recipe shared by a fellow blogging friend.  I tried it and loved it and have been making it all these years.


This recipe is so easy to make and trust me it is really good.  The above has about 1lb. of ground pork, I thought I might be able to share with my friends until my hubby spotted it.  He never dared to try the bak kua I made all these years (he thinks it was yucky so more for us) and suddenly he came and grabbed a piece to try and kept coming back for more and more.  Needless to say, any food that he set his eyes on, will be gone in no time.  He only left few pieces for my girls and I.


  1. Hi,
    loved your blog. i have been searching for a Bak Kua recipe forever. will you be posting the recipe soon?

    Thank you. And Gong Xi Fa Cai!

  2. Wow, this looks great! I've never tried Chinese pork jerky but would love to try it sometime!

  3. My favourite too! I used to bring this back from Msia but now they banned any import of mean products =(

  4. I love bak kua too. Bak kua makes the tastiest sandwiches. Though a little late but still would like to wish you and family Gong Xi Fa Cai.

  5. Gong Xi Fa Chai! Happy Chinese New Year to you and your family.
    I think I'm going to give your recipe a try, it looks pretty easy.
    I printed our your recipe for Kuih Bangkit, with the intention of making them for Chinese New Year but I never got to it. I even bought the ingredients.


  6. Anon, the recipe was already posted 4 years ago. On second paragraph, click on the highlighted link on recipe, it will bring you to the recipe. You must try it!

    Sook, you should as this is a keeper recipe for me. I will make more next week to give to my friends.

    Pigpigs, yup, that's why have to make our own. LOL! Anyway, for me this is just as good, you can BBQ it on a grill for the smoky taste and smell.

    Thanks Ling! :)

    YD, this is easier to make compared to Kuih Bangkit. LOL! For KB, just make sure the dough is not too dry or too wet. ;) Happy CNY and Gong Xi Fa Chai to you and family too. :)

  7. I wonder if this works with mince beef since I don’t take pork? Sound interesting!!
    Anyway, happy belated new year to you and your family!

  8. Hi,

    What type of wine do you use ?
    Chinese wine like hua tiao chew ?

    Appreciate your advise.


  9. Bak Kua also my favorite! I tend to overeat them :O

  10. It's amazing that you made your own bak kwa. It looks really really good!

  11. Thanks Anh, you too. And yes you can use ground beef for beef bak kua.

    Yes Ling, I used Hua Tiao chew.

    Haha Tigerfish, it's quite addicting. My girls had the rest, they loved it.

    Thanks noobcook, it tasted really really good too, you should try. ;)

  12. oh thank you thank you for sharing your little treasure. I'm going to make this soon. I miss eating bak kua for so long. :)

  13. 看来你在哪儿

  14. wow! I love thme too, mum buys tonnes of them during the CNY! I remember I used to sandwhich the slices with bread, tasted awesome! :)

  15. wow!! you so hard working make your own bak kua!!look really great,kalah the one sell at the store here!! luckily I don't have to make myself if I crave "bak kua" here..We can get Malaysia "bak kua" in NYC Chinatown but it's quite pricey needless to said..wish I live next door to you and aunty lily!! hahaha!

  16. You are welcome Cooking Ninja. You will love this bak kua.

    SP, no choice, have to eat, got to make. :P

    BBOven, same same ya!

    Lesley, this one really easy to make, try make it yourself. :)

  17. Hi
    I had tried previously 2 recipes from taiwan blog, though the taste is there but the texture is not right. I gave your recipe a final try and I have succeeded. I blame it on the baking time. The taiwan blog baking time is too short, about 15mins. Those who tried baking bak kau should know its impossible to get the look in that short time. Using your timing and flipping the other side at the last ten mins, I get those similar to outside bak kua shop, three cheers to u !!!


  18. Glad you liked it Kium. You can broil it for 3 minutes for the slightly burn edges too. ;)

  19. Ooo.... thanx to Ms Jinni, I found this little post of yours, and guess who's gonna be making up a batch, since I readily have all the ingredients available at home. Coincidence, really! Girl Guide's honor! :D


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