Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mom's French Toasts

As a Foodbuzz Tastemaker, I received two loaves of Nature's Pride breads to sample (100% Whole Wheat and 12 Grain). If you know me, I'm pretty health conscious and have been eating mostly 100% whole wheat bread for the past years. I was delighted to sample this Nature's Pride bread as it is the only 100% natural brand of bread available across the country (as they claimed). They are committed to baking the tastiest bread with wholesome and natural food choices such as no artificial flavors or colors, no high fructose corn syrup, no trans-fats, and no artificial preservatives. Sharing this bread with you with my mom's version of French Toasts. She added sugar into the eggs mixture and we ate it without any syrup, fruit puree, whipped cream or powder sugar. It is great as it is!


  • 4 slices of Nature's Pride 100% whole wheat breads
  • 3 large eggs
  • 4 tsp. sugar
  • Dash of cinnamon powder


1. In a large bowl, beat eggs, sugar and cinnamon powder together.

2. Heat the frying pan in medium heat, add some oil. Take one bread and coated both side with egg mixture. Slowly put it in the frying pan. Pan-fry both sides until golden brown. Drain on paper towel. Finish the rest of the bread. Serve warm.


  1. I've never added cinnamon to my french toast before, it's such a great idea ^_^

  2. Wow! You are really Health Conscious! Bravo! It is hard for me to eat only 100% whole meal bread everyday! I think I should start it soon... *wink*

  3. french toasts! my all time favorite! yum yum

  4. You know what, I don't know how to make french toast hahaha and hubby is always complaining :-) this is a nice version of french toast :-)

  5. Me too SP. :)

    Yeah noobcook, added cinnamon was my idea cause mom doesn't bake. I like cinnamon.

    Bits of Taste, my girls growing up eating 100% whole wheat/whole grain bread. It's good to start them young. Now, I prefer this over white bread.

    Rita :)

    Dhanggit, I also don't know the original version, only know my mom's version.

  6. ya..i also make french toast with egg and sugar, that's it!


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