Friday, August 07, 2009

Summer Fruit Cake

Summer time comes with abundance of peaches, plums, nectarines, cherries, melons, etc. This is also the time when these fruits are cheap and at its' sweetest. I made a similar cake before and this is my other version. Not too pretty looking because some of the fruit sank but nevertheless it's still delicious. This time I used the sour plum and peach for my choice of fruit and thus I used 1 cup of sugar for my cake to counteract the sourness of the fruit. If your choice of fruit is sweet, you can use 3/4 cup of sugar. And remember to put this cake in the refrigerator as the moisture from the fruit will turn moldy if not.



  • 1/2 cup butter (or 1 stick or 113g)
  • 1 cup sugar (use 3/4 cup for less sweet version)


  • 3 large eggs


  • 3 Tbsp. whole milk
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp. Rum extract (optional)

  • 1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder


Summer fruit of your choice, I used slices of peach and red plum (sprinkle with a little sugar and mix well)


1. Preheat oven to 350'F. Spray and lined a 8-inch square pan with parchment paper. Spray again and on the sides. Set aside.

2. In a mixing bowl, beat (A) together until creamy. Add (B) one at a time, beat well. Add (C), beat well with electric mixer. Then, add in (D), beat until smooth.

3. Pour batter into the pan, level nicely and arranged the prepared fruit on top (don't press it down). Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

4. Cool on wire rack. Place in air-tight container and store in the refrigerator. Set it aside at room-temperature for 10-15 minutes before consuming.


  1. ooo. I do like the sound of this cake! Perfect with a cup of tea. It looks prettier than the cake I baked today.

  2. All these fruits are not cheap in MY here..I like to use fresh fruit to bake cake as well. This cake look really refreshing and I wish I can have a bit of it. Have a nice weekend.

  3. What a lovely fruity cake ! I'm a total baking dum dum , if I'm using self-raising flour can I still follow your recipe exactly ? Thanks

  4. good idea to used peach for this cake!! I bought fruits all the time but all the times didn't finish or forget to eat,then go to trash..I should use the peach,plum and berries for baking *sigh* but lately was quite lazy:(

  5. Hmmnn,this fruity cake looks yummy. Lucky to have nice peaches over there.

  6. 之前,我在colorado springs 的朋友家吃过这个蛋糕

  7. Full timed Housefly, if you are to use self-raising flour, you have to omit the baking powder. Happy baking!

    Sweet Jasmine, Summer is fulled of fruit here, this week I have cantaloupe, sweet big cherries and strawberry for our fruit of the week. Abundance and cheap!

  8. SP, hmmm I don't know, is it a healthy cake? Looking at the color, brown sugar might be used and if it's healthy, perhaps whole wheat flour or some other brown color flour, applesauce might be used also. Then, just add in chopped apple and blueberries and top with old-fashion oats before baking? Does it have a crumble topping? If yes perhaps crumble topping with oats?

  9. Oh that look so delicious. Nice and delicate looking. Mmm!

  10. Lovely Summer Fruit Cake! Looks so delicious!

  11. soo nice! U really seem to bake cakes effortlessly like u're doing a stir fry. I just (finally) bought a cake tin! I wanna make a cake soon... hopefully it's edible haha.

  12. sounds good for summer...and i had problems with sinking fruits before, yours look good!


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