Sunday, May 24, 2009

Crispy Baked Fish Fillets

Since I had a successful crunchy baked chicken strips the other day, I thought why not try it on fish fillets. We loved baked fish and it would be an extra yum if the baked fish is crunchy right? I was out of the cereal that I used before, so I had to make my own coating for my fish. I was trying with the combination of homemade bread crumbs, walnuts and cornflakes. The resulted fish was not as crunchy as my chicken strips, I think I know the reason. I did not use a lot of the cornflakes, also my cornflakes was crushed too finely. The walnuts and bread crumbs did not give out too much crunch, only the cornflakes. So, make sure you don't crush the cornflakes too fine and pat it on a lot. Added nuts just because I wanted to add more nutrition to my girls diet. By the way, both my girls loved this crispy baked fish as both of them asked for more after given two pieces each. I definitely make it again with just cornflakes and walnuts. This coating is healthy as cornflakes came packed with vitamins and minerals, and walnuts is high in omega 3 fatty acids and an antioxidant food which are heart healthy.

Ingredients & Method:

3 Tilapia fillets, cut each into 4 pieces. Other type of fish fillets should work just fine.

Marinate the fish pieces with olive oil, salt and spices of your choice ( I used The Spice Depot JoJo seasoning and Spicy Sea Salt), season generously. Let it marinate in the refrigerator until ready to bake (about 2-3 hours for me).

Preheat the oven to 450'F. While waiting, take out the cereals, bread crumbs (optional) and walnuts. I made my own bread crumbs by toasting the bread (those top and end piece of bread that we won't eat) until hard and then process it fine in the food processor. Finely chopped the walnuts, I added walnut just because it's healthy. Crush the cornflakes in a sandwich bag, not too fine so that you could taste the crunch. Mix all three ingredients in a shallow plate.

Spray the aluminum foil lined baking pan with canola oil spray. Take a piece of the fish and generously coat it with the cereals mixture. Pat it in and put extra coating on top of the fish fillet before baking. The olive oil used in marinating the fish pieces should be enough to make the coating stick.

Bake in preheated oven 450'F for 10 minutes. Serve hot!


  1. oh that's the healthier version of those fried fish!

  2. what a healthy way to prepare crunchy outer layer, i always thought that frying is the only option... cornflakes and nuts and breadcrumbs...mmmm....i'm gonna try this

  3. It's great that they love it. We mums often have to think of creative ways to prepare food for the kids.

  4. The coating looks very healthy leh...
    I have also started to make "coatings" at home. :D

  5. wah they look like deep fried! I prefer baking method, less mess and healthier as well :p

  6. It's look delicious too with fish..
    mouthwatering ;)

  7. Yummy! I have a couple of lovely ghol fish fillets in the freezer...I'm trying this out!

  8. Wow...looks nice and I believe the kids would like it...thanks 4 the recipe..

  9. Hmm the fish does look really crispy and baked obviously is so much healthier. I've tried a chicken version so have to give fish a try the next time round.

  10. Yes Pearl. ;)

    Cindy, the cornflakes will provide the crunchy outer layer. :)

    SIG, exactly! Luckily they loved it. :)

    Tigerfish, can't wait to see what type of "coating" you made. Yes this coating is definitely healthy.

    Me too noobcook! I hate the smell of deep-frying oil on me after I deep-fried. This method is better. Hehe...

    Thanks Nath. It's easy too!

    Hope you like it, amritac!

    You're welcome Jean. I'm sure they will since my eldest is a pretty picky eater and she loved it.

    Jo, this is pretty good too, should give it a try. :)

  11. another healthy baked fish! yummy!! look realy first glance I thought it's healthy snack bar! hahaha!

  12. what I like is that it is HEALTHY!! My kind of dish. Very clever!

  13. You make it pretty easy Crispy Baked Fish Fillets", and yummy, You are really look like a professional cooker.It’s great to see good recipe being shared.

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  14. Beautiful photos... just love the whole look!

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