Saturday, March 07, 2009

Fried Rice with Asian Mustard Green (Gai Choy) and Shrimps

Once I discovered a veggie, I went crazy with it. If you are my avid reader, you should have noticed that a new veggie in my blog has surfaced. That's right, that's Asian mustard green or gai choy. I have been in love with this veggie and have been buying it and thus have been cooking it and thus the sprout of gai choy recipes in my blog. A dear reader of mine provided me with this great idea. She left in my comment that her mom used it to fry rice and the thought of fried rice with gai choy hasn't left my mind ever since. I could have tasted it in my mind how delicious it is going to be and determine to make my own.

My version of fried rice with gai choy and shrimps. It satisfied my craving for now. Hehe...


  • 2 big soup bowls of days old rice or cold rice
  • Large shrimps (how many up to you, I cut mine into small pieces)
  • 2 eggs, beaten with soy sauce and crushed white pepper
  • 1/2 red bell pepper, chopped
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1 big bowl of washed and cut Asian mustard green/gai choy (I cut mine into small pieces)
  • Cooking oil
Seasoning: Salt, light soy sauce, chicken stock granules and lastly sesame oil (add it in when you switched off the fire/heat).

1. Heat oil in wok, when heated, stir-fry beaten eggs until cooked. Dished out and set aside.
2. Heat oil in wok, when heated, add in garlic and the harder part of gai choy, fry well. Add in shrimps and bell pepper, stir-fry well. Lastly, add in the lefy part of gai choy and season with some salt. Then, add in the rice and stir well. Add in cooked eggs and continue stirring. Add in remaining seasoning and stir-fry well. Season to taste. The best fried rice is when you fried until the rice starts jumping from the wok, then it's done. But if you couldn't achieve that, that's okay too.


  1. When I read the title of the post, I was already thinking....Gai Choy is your fav!

  2. I love fried rice ,any fried rice!! I bought some chinese vege but dunno what the name..must google now..maybe I should fried rice like you do! look great!

  3. My mom like to cook Gai choy rice. It's just like Yam rice except replace the yam with Gai Choy.

  4. Mustard green is a very versatile veg. love it in fried rice!

  5. Haha Tigerfish, it's my new favorite.

    Thanks beachlover. We love fried rice too.

    Gert, must share your mom yam fried rice recipe.

    Yeah pigpigs, I just discovered that too. :)

  6. Really made me hungry... yummm! I'll try this. Thanks for sharing!

  7. Love fried rice a lot with all sorts of ingedients. Gai choy, Gai Lan, Sang Choi are all my favorite veggie for fried rice. I have craving of fried rice with tumeric powder lately, so hungry now, lol

  8. Ching...I bet you would love gai choy cook with mince meat and egg..make it into soup...u can try that!

  9. You're welcome sassy mom, hope you like it.

    Chumpman, fried rice with tumeric powder sounds great, like the pineapple fried rice.

    Hi Sherreen, thanks for sharing, that sounds great! :)

  10. my mom like to cook rice with gaichoy through rice cooker :P

  11. I like to put 2 or 3 slices of cucumber on the side with a wedge of lime yum!!!


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