Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chicken with Chilli Paste with Sweet Basil Leaves

I always liked Lee brand, I have been using the Tom Yam paste from this brand. So, when aunty Lily said this paste is good and bought me a bottle to try, I was glad. Want to know my verdict? I loved this paste, it's better than the chilli paste with holy basil leaves that I tried earlier. Recently while shopping at the new Asian market here, I actually spotted this paste, but more expensive, so will see if I can get it at PO or VH Asian markets at Denver. Anyone knows?

This is how the paste looks like, I strongly recommend it.

I don't think you need me to provide a recipe for this dish. It's quite straight forward but in addition of adding the paste, I also added a little fish sauce and sugar. One thing though, you need to stir and mix the basil leaves with the chili paste before using. Hope you can find this product at your local Asian markets.


  1. i love hot chilis and basil!

  2. I used Lee brand Tom Yum paste too! Like it.

  3. How you make me homesick. I miss all these delicious food. I used to cook green chilies with basil mix with tofu and pork or chicken. Delicious.

  4. i saw this brand before
    but never tried it

  5. I had never tried this brand before. Must go to check it out at our local store. Tks for sharing!

  6. Then you will like this paste, Pearl.

    I know Tigerfish, I remember. He!

    Sorry lah Cooking Ninja. Not sure whether you can find this paste there?

    Sock Peng, Lee brand is good. Can buy and try next time. ;)

    You're welcome Food for Tots. I like the Tom Yam paste too.

  7. I have to keep an eye on this paste the next time I shop at the Asian store.

  8. yumm...I love to cook with chillies or add it in my noodles or sambal with only boiled vegetables.

  9. wow this look good to me and very simple and comes handy!


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