Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Cookies

Decided to make some Christmas cookies with my kids. Evy would be the little helper while Edda would be the on looker. Whenever I told them mommy is going to make a cake or some cookies, they would be really thrilled and ran over to my kitchen countertop. Evy would say can I help to do this or that. Edda would be happy just sitting on the kitchen island stool starring at us working. I did not try any new recipe but picked my simple crisp lemon cookies recipe. What to do, I prefer easy recipe and my kids loved lemon cookies.

Edda is starting to pick up more words. She is also trying to express herself more with words instead of action. That was good as compared with her sister, she was considered slow in speech development. Evy now is really talkative and she has so many questions, can be quite annoying. So, when the mommies said once your kid started talking, they won't stop is so true, so should appreciate the time when they still couldn't talk much. Hahaha...


  1. Didn't you make biscotti again this time of year? I still remember last year you made orange biscotti :)

  2. hi
    was wondering what cookies to bake, then read ur entry n gave me an idea of trying to bake lemon cookies :)
    Kids are adorable, they have countless of questions to ask. Your gals must have enjoy the baking time with you.

  3. hahahaha the cookies are adorable, and so are your daughters! my mom told me that it used to be really quiet, but then after my brother and i started to talk, she would get all flustered. my mom would get to the grocery store with a mental list of things that she needed to buy, and with my brother and i in the cart, we would start pointing and asking questions about everything. everytime she went to the grocery store, she realized (after she got home) that she: 1) didn't get anything she needed and 2) bought everything that she didn't need. LOL :)

  4. Love the cookies...I feel guilty because I have no time to make cookies with my girls this year since I just started a new job. Have a lovely Christmas. Hope it'll be a white one for you. My sis in Portland OR has already had snow-storms and school cancelled this week.

  5. HI,

    haha... Let's look at it from another angle... Moms should treasure when their kids are yakking non-stop to them. Soon, they rather talk to their friends.

    once you loose this "privilege", it is gone forever :-)


  6. look like you are ready for christmas:) This weekend I am thinking to make more cookies:)

  7. Indo-eats, since we already finished the lemon cookies, perhaps I will make biscotti next. I know my hubby loved it. :)

    Yes teatea, they love the baking time. :)

    Haha Pearl, yes kids can be like that. I trained my kids well though as they don't ask me to buy things for them in the store. Edda would just sit in the shopping cart quietly while I shop. ;)

    Thanks Charming. Merry Christmas to you & family too! I have snow covering my neighborhood now so would probably have a white Christmas.

    Oh yeah Cookie, I never thought that far yet, but you were so right! I do want them to tell me and share things with me when they are teenagers and beyond. Ok, need to use Psychology on them now. :P

    Dwiana, no more cookies left, need to make more, perhaps biscotti.

  8. Wow, we are going to decorate cookies tomorrow at a friend's place. How fun. Looking forward. :)

  9. oh no! i've not started mine yet! *scrambles* LOL....

  10. cute cookies..
    anyway,why your blog have pop-up? can't get ride of it...

  11. Yes Sig, fun fun! Yours would be fun, mine just simple simple. :P

    LOL baking fiend. Still has time, relax!

    Beachlover, that is not a pop out but a sponsorship bar from Sears. My first time having my blog sponsored at SocialSpark. It only run for a few days. Hehe...

  12. awww. How nice!! I would love to hv those for Christmas

  13. Santa said no cookies for me .... lol! me so sad !

  14. They are so adorable. Love the festive cookies you whipped up XD


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