Saturday, August 09, 2008

Party Food: Toothpick Fruit Mix

Dhanggit is hosting her first blog event in celebration to her precious girl's 1st birthday party and her event theme is "Perfect Party Dishes". I wanted to create a dish that is easy to prepare, stress free and easy to eat. So, I thought of this toothpick fruit mix on a melon, in this case a cantaloupe. Any melon can be used as a base and any fruit in season that won't turn brown like apple can be used as fruit on a stick. You can use decorative toothpick (like me in this case) or bamboo sticks.

What do you think? Easy party food (fruit) that guests would love right? You can use more fruit variety (play with different colors combination) if you are using a bamboo stick. In my case, I cut the cantaloupe in half, scoop the filling out with a melon scoop (I don't know how to scoop the melon out in round shape at all, *sad*) and use the red grape as contrast. I used decorative toothpicks and alternate the fruit in the toothpick and just stuck them onto the cantaloupe. Sorry for my ugly attempt, I tried.

I would love to submit my toothpick fruit to Dhanggit "Perfect Party Dishes" event as an idea to her (I bet anyone would make a prettier one than me). Do check out her round-up during the week of Aug. 15th.


  1. Simple yet looks tempting. What a great party food idea.

  2. very pretty and easy to make! It's a good idea to stick the picks into the melon ... btw, thanks for your advice on how to make the piggy print bread :)

  3. I love the colours and that it is healthy for a party!

  4. a great idea to serve fruit hehe. well done

  5. Thanks Ling. :)

    Thanks baking fiend. :)

    You're welcome noobcook and thanks. :)

    Thanks daphne, it's sure healthy!

    Thanks Rita. I thought this one is pretty easy and people do love fruit.

  6. This kind of reminds me of the
    80's when we have party this fruits display is a must :)

  7. really u r creative,well done!

  8. Really Gert? I didn't know that. :)

    Thanks Lia! :)


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